Bloom by Timothy Poulton
Bloom by Timothy Poulton
10 Reasons you have a serious travel addiction. 1. The night before you leave, over dinner your wife asks you “where you’re going to this time”. 2. The kids come home from school complaining about the foreign currency you gave them for the canteen. 3. You never bother unpacking from the last trip. 4. They know you by name at airport security. 5. You wear flip-flops in the shower. 6. You take toilet paper everywhere you go out of habit. 7. Jet-lag is a thing of the past, time zone, what fucking time zone! 8. You get home from another trip and the wife calls the police thinking you’re an intruder. 9. Your passport number is engrained in your memory. 10. Fuck it, I’m too busy traveling to think of another reason.
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