Solitude by Simon W Xu

Category: Photos

Solitude by Simon W Xu

The early morning started with drizzling raining in the dark and then all of sudden the sunlight broke. The flying clouds started to part when they hit the peaks around glacier. As the morning was still young and the wind is very calm, the mountains and sky left a perfect reflections in the emerald colored lake. I knew this is one of those magic but rare moment that do not come often for photographer. Then, I noticed a red canoe cut across the lake slowly. I quickly checked my camera’s ISO and aperture to make sure the shutter speed is high enough to capture the canoe without a blur. Running around the shore to a good spot for the best reflection and waited for the canoe to hit the right spot. Hand held without a tripod, I let the camera took a burst shots of all possible combination of exposures so I would not miss it. Right there, I felt so good that I could just stop the trip and go home without any regret 🙂 黎明前的黑暗开始还下着毛毛细雨,就在太阳喷发的那一刻雨突然停了。飞行的云层开始快速移动,当它们撞上冰川附近的山峰时立刻四散。 凛冽的清晨,风平浪静,山脉和天空在翡翠色湖面上营造出一个完美的反射。 我知道这是摄影师们都期望的那神奇而罕见的时刻。 然后,又注意到有一叶暗红的独木舟在慢慢地横穿湖面。 赶紧检查了相机的ISO和光圈,以确保快门速度高到足以捕获独木舟而没有模糊。 把相机从三脚架上撤下, 我开始沿着岸边飞跑,赶在小舟前面找到一个倒影比较好的位置, 就等独木舟进入预想的最佳的目标地, 相机手持,一发自动连拍了所有可能的曝光组合,心想,我绝对不能错过这个天赐良机。 此时此刻,感觉非常嗨,即使现在终止旅行立刻打道回府,也没有任何遗憾了 🙂

Simon W Xu: Photos

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