Divinity by Elia Locardi
Divinity by Elia Locardi
Henry Miller once said that, “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” I feel like as a photographer, this quote has become increasingly more relevant to me the more years I travel the world. Each year, the world becomes a smaller place as global tourism increases exponentially in nearly all of the major travel destinations. And that means that it also becomes more challenge to visually portray these places in a new and unique way. But saying that, the fact that so many photographers visit this location only motivates me. Since we can all stand here in the same place, I get excited about trying to capture something that has been seen countless times before in a new and interesting way. That’s why when a thunder storm rolled over the city center of Florence, I set up to capture the dazzling display! If you want to learn my entire landscape photography and post-processing workflow from start to finish, both in the field and in editing, I’ve created an in-depth video tutorial course: bit.ly/landscape-tutorial
Elia Locardi: Photos
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