A.A / A.C by Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim
A.A / A.C by Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim
Morans Falls
Lamington National Park [Freebies!]
[The everlook action and other tutorials] Image taken from above Moran’s Falls which is a beautiful 30 minute walk from a pullout before O’reilly’s rainforest retreat. It’s a bit of a hairy drive in the dark for a first timer but so worth it π The tile refers to two things I think about in terms of who we have become in photography. A.A is the ‘accidental artist’ which is the best way I can describe our work if catering to an audience where concepts and background motivations are important. I’ve never really considered myself an ‘arty’ kind of person and so , when I go into the field, I’m simply aiming to capture a compelling rendition of my experience. A kind of visual diary of my experience as a whole. If the by product of that is a form of art that others appreciate, then I am appreciative π I feel that I work best when I’m not overthinking a scene as to what kind of message I’m trying to portray or what kind of deep soulful thoughts I had. I just don’t usually have them ! For me, the KISS principle works best (Keep It Simple Stupid) but I do realise that others approach photography from a completely different direction. I just hope that there’s a role for KISS photographers in the fine art world π AC stands for the ‘accidental celebrity’. With over 100k followers on several social media sites, Marianne and I have to accept that we’re actually known! The AC could be driven into doing things which stray from the principles of being an AA but we’ll resist that. It is interesting to see what happens to images on different platforms though. This image has also been posted on our flickr and instagram . Go ! The race for exposure is on for Moran’s lol – I’m betting on an instagram win π (No I didn’t place that stray leaf there lol!)
Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim: Photos
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