**floating islands** by gubido

From: Photos

**floating islands** by gubido

This digitized slide scan was captured on the “Uro Islands” in Peru more than 25 years ago. Several hundred Uros of indigenous descent live there on 49 “floating islands”, which they produce themselves from dried reeds. The islands are located in Lake Titicaca at an altitude of 3,812 m. If you are interested in more photos from South America, please visit my homepage www.gubido.de. Thank you very much for your interest and have a nice weekend!

gubido : Photos

**floating islands** by gubido This digitized slide scan was captured on the “Uro Islands” in Peru more than 25 years ago. Several hundred Uros of indigenous descent live there on 49 “floating islands”,...

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FROM DAYS GONE BY by Michael J...

From: Photos

FROM DAYS GONE BY by Michael J. Kochniss

© Michael J. Kochniss | mjk-photo.de | instagram.com/mjk_photo

Michael J. Kochniss: Photos

FROM DAYS GONE BY by Michael J. Kochniss © Michael J. Kochniss | mjk-photo.de | instagram.com/mjk_photo Michael J. Kochniss: Photos

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~~ a pink morning ~~ by David ...

From: Photos

~~ a pink morning ~~ by David Gomes

This to share with you this amazing picture of a ping morning at Vasco da Gama bridge.
Blended from two frames (a color and B&W) at same shot.
Have an excellent weekend dear friends and followers.

David Gomes: Photos

~~ a pink morning ~~ by David Gomes This to share with you this amazing picture of a ping morning at Vasco da Gama bridge. Blended from two frames (a color and B&W) at same shot. Have an excellent weekend dear friends...

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Like in a painting by Nicolas ...

From: Photos

Like in a painting by Nicolas Barison

The Val d’Orcia or Valdorcia is a region of Tuscany, central Italy, which extends from the hills south of Siena to Monte Amiata. Its gentle, cultivated hills are occasionally broken by gullies and by picturesque towns and villages such as Pienza (rebuilt as an “ideal town” in the 15th century under the patronage of Pope Pius II), Radicofani (home to the notorious brigand-hero Ghino di Tacco) and Montalcino (the Brunello di Montalcino is counted among the most prestigious of Italian wines). Its landscape has been depicted in works of art from Renaissance painting to modern photography.
The Val d’Orcia was added to the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 2004.

Nicolas Barison: Photos

Like in a painting by Nicolas Barison The Val d’Orcia or Valdorcia is a region of Tuscany, central Italy, which extends from the hills south of Siena to Monte Amiata. Its gentle, cultivated hills are occasionally...

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Bored by ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐J. Photography⭐⭐...

From: Photos

Bored by ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐J. Photography⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ❗❗❗ Follow me ❗❗❗ www.instagram.com/jbalcunsphoto/ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐J. Photography⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: Photos

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Landmanalaugar green hill by F...

From: Photos

Landmanalaugar green hill by Fabrice H

Very close to Landmanalaugar in Iceland, taken by drone from F208. I wiwh i can see this with more snow next month.

Fabrice H: Photos

Landmanalaugar green hill by Fabrice H Very close to Landmanalaugar in Iceland, taken by drone from F208. I wiwh i can see this with more snow next month. Fabrice H: Photos

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Tidal Peak by Eduardo Teixeira...

From: Photos

Tidal Peak by Eduardo Teixeira de Sousa

This is a repost of an old favourite, Wave Series #20 to welcome new followers and celebrate a personal joy, being picked as “Photographer of the Month” by NatGeoYS and with a Wave Series shot selected for NatGeoTravel. The series wouldn’t probably exist without ‘our’ 500px site and your encouragement so heres to everyone with all my thanks!

Eduardo Teixeira de Sousa: Photos

Tidal Peak by Eduardo Teixeira de Sousa This is a repost of an old favourite, Wave Series #20 to welcome new followers and celebrate a personal joy, being picked as “Photographer of the Month” by NatGeoYS...

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Le Départ by Jeremy Peresse

From: Photos

Le Départ by Jeremy Peresse

I love this place, a bit remote in a very busy place. At nightfall or at dawn, there is no one there, which reinforces the idea of solitude guided by this lighthouse. Thanks again for following my work !
You can support me by suscribing to my channel and my social networks ! www.jeremyperessephotography.com Portfolios, prints and editing courses are available ! FB: Jeremy Peresse photography
IG: jeremyperessephotography

Jeremy Peresse: Photos

Le Départ by Jeremy Peresse I love this place, a bit remote in a very busy place. At nightfall or at dawn, there is no one there, which reinforces the idea of solitude guided by this lighthouse. Thanks again for following...

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***LLAW*** by Joachim Bergauer

From: Photos

***LLAW*** by Joachim Bergauer www.bergauer.cc Joachim Bergauer: Photos

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Roses by Shihya Kowatari

From: Photos

Roses by Shihya Kowatari 500px.com/p/ShihyaKowatari/galleries/_fascination_lensbaby_, 500px.com/p/ShihyaKowatari/galleries/bokeh, 500px.com/p/ShihyaKowatari/galleries/flower Shihya Kowatari: Photos

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we live in a world of shapes b...

From: Photos

we live in a world of shapes by Benny bulke

want to up your game? Meet me up for a 1on1 online webinar/workshop (approx 2 hours)
learning how to find locations by yourself easily,
discussing fine art streetphotography techniques, editing them (also in function of composition), any questions you might have
website for more info!

Benny bulke: Photos

we live in a world of shapes by Benny bulke want to up your game? Meet me up for a 1on1 online webinar/workshop (approx 2 hours) learning how to find locations by yourself easily, discussing fine art streetphotography...

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Festive colors by Vicente Conc...

From: Photos

Festive colors by Vicente Concha

Parade San Vicente del Raspeig ( Alacant/Alicante – España/Spain ) 2019

Vicente Concha: Photos

Festive colors by Vicente Concha Parade San Vicente del Raspeig ( Alacant/Alicante – España/Spain ) 2019 Vicente Concha: Photos

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