My old bike (on the road) by I...
My old bike (on the road) by Iwona Podlasińska
Iwona Podlasińska: Photos
A light that guides you by Oli...
A light that guides you by Oliver O.
Cap de Formentor, Mallorca, Spain
Oliver O.: Photos
The Flying Church by Daniel Fl...
The Flying Church by Daniel Fleischhacker
All the processing techniques used on this image are demonstrated in my set of in depth video tutorials. Check out my website for more Information. VIDEO TUTORIALS
______________ Viele der hier angewandten Techniken werden sehr ausführlich in meinen Video Tutorials demonstriert. Mehr Informationen dazu findet Ihr auf meiner Website.
Daniel Fleischhacker: Photos
Golden Waterfall by Iurie Bele...
Golden Waterfall by Iurie Belegurschi
Join Our Photography Workshops in Iceland! Everything is much more enchanting beneath the glow of the midnight sun in Iceland. Follow me on Instagram!
Iurie Belegurschi: Photos
Smoker by Georg Scharf
Smoker by Georg Scharf
Georg Scharf: Photos
Looking for the bends by Feder...
Looking for the bends by Federico Antonello
Federico Antonello: Photos
Butterfly in the dreams by Rob...
Butterfly in the dreams by Roberto Aldrovandi
Roberto Aldrovandi: Photos
Kawita… by Maarten Quaad...
Kawita… by Maarten Quaadvliet
Model and make-up: Kawita INSTAGRAM | WEBSITE
Maarten Quaadvliet: Photos
fang den Fisch by Georg Scharf
fang den Fisch by Georg Scharf
Georg Scharf: Photos
Sinuous Light by Timothy Poult...
Sinuous Light by Timothy Poulton
I started moonlight hiking when I was a teenager prowling the streets of Brisbane. I later found that if I timed my photography trips to coincide with a full moon, I could hike every night and captured the most unique scenes. It’s a great experience to hike away the hours of the night under a full moon. My first time doing this on a longer photography trip was on a five-day photography tour in Cradle Mountain Tasmania. Every night I slept in the rangers hut, getting up between two and four in the morning and capturing the peaks by Twisted Lakes the rest of the night. Hiking at night meant no other people on the trail. Crowded trails were not actually a problem where I was, but I would like to go moonlight hiking to avoid the crowds so it is nice to have the trails and whole mountain valleys to yourself. You can hike a lot of kms at night, without any problems of over-heating. When the sky is clear and the moon is full, or within three days of its fullest, the moonlight is more than bright enough for hiking in fairly open terrain. In thicker woods you may need a headlamp for assistance. If you do try this, plan your trip with the full moon coming right in the middle of the time span (if you can). This is how you get the maximum use of the moonlight before, during and after the full moon. Also note the time that the moon rises. About an hour after moonrise you’ll have enough light to hike, unless it is overly cloudy (something else to check on).
Timothy Poulton: Photos
Schachbrett by Georg Scharf
Schachbrett by Georg Scharf
Georg Scharf: Photos
Staircase by Ole Henrik Skjels...
Staircase by Ole Henrik Skjelstad
Ula vassdraget, Rondane National Park, Norway. Nisi 6 stop to smooth the water.
Ole Henrik Skjelstad: Photos