Momentum by Elia Locardi
Momentum by Elia Locardi
Momentum || Iceland In Iceland, it’s as if the earth and it’s ancient volcanoes possessed the sentient ability to craft a landscape worthy of legend. From the mountains, to the waterfalls, to the famously dramatic coastline and pristine black sand beaches, Iceland is a country that deserves the attention it receives. And from a photographer’s standpoint, it’s a visual paradise of artistic possibilities. I’ve been taking it easy over the past few days, resting, and after a few hundred thousand miles of airline travel this year, also doing my best to finally acclimate to a single time zone. I’m almost officially a creature of Eastern Standard Time. At least, mostly. In the process, I’ve even had the time to go through some of my raw files from this year, including shots from my recent Dream Photo Tour to Iceland where we had incredible conditions for nearly two solid weeks. As a bonus, most of my work this year has been captured using the Fujifilm GFX 50s Medium Format Camera which is a pleasure to work with both in-the-field and in post-processing. I also really like shooting in a 4:3 aspect ratio since it lends great options for a deeper foreground interest in landscape compositions. The weather sealing helps too, especially when you decide to take a few steps into the incoming swell.
Elia Locardi: Photos
***Noisy*** by Joachim Bergaue...
***Noisy*** by Joachim Bergauer
Joachim Bergauer: Photos
*** by Adrian C. Murray
*** by Adrian C. Murray
Adrian C. Murray: Photos
Ocean Farming by Marsel van Oo...
Ocean Farming by Marsel van Oosten
Another one from our Where Dragons Roam landscape photography tour in China. This little boat is not motorized. Instead, there’s a wooden paddle attached to the back of the boat that they move back and forth while standing upright. Not sure why they prefer this over sitting down and using two paddles. – – – WHERE DRAGONS ROAM
Landscape photography tour
China 19 March – 3 April 2018 (2 spaces left)
7 – 22 April 2018 ( 1 space left) Tour brochure:
Reservations: Marsel | WEBSITE | FACEBOOK |
Marsel van Oosten: Photos
18-57:Symmetry by momo-123 ( Y...
18-57:Symmetry by momo-123 ( You.Tomi. )
momo-123 ( You.Tomi. ): Photos
Bavarian Essentials by Kilian ...
Bavarian Essentials by Kilian Schönberger
Classic Bavaria
@kilianschoenberger I N S T A G R A M
Kilian Schönberger: Photos
Alison by Lods Franck
Alison by Lods Franck
** Sale on Christmas video pack (limited) – shop ** Video tutorials are available on my website:
Contact me for live lessons: Step by step follow a detailed and comprehensive retouch with Lightroom and Photoshop. You know all about the composition, the balance of light, color management and skin retouching. Model : Alison
Lods Franck: Photos
***Feel*** by Joachim Bergauer
***Feel*** by Joachim Bergauer
Joachim Bergauer: Photos
Snowy Peaks by Kilian Schönber...
Snowy Peaks by Kilian Schönberger
Merry Christmas @kilianschoenberger I N S T A G R A M
Kilian Schönberger: Photos
Surge by Dylan Toh & Maria...
Surge by Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim
High tide at Moeraki Boulders is sure fun to shoot! though the moisture did get to my a7r2 which took a few days to recover.
Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim: Photos
Seealpsee by Andrew Bazanov
Seealpsee by Andrew Bazanov
A bright color of the Swiss Alps. Gilded autumn lake seealpsee.
Andrew Bazanov: Photos