Rock Towers II by David Alvare...
Rock Towers II by David Alvarez Velicia
This photo is a clear example of how a change in the exposure time can achieve two totally different results and convey clearly different sensations. It’s exactly the same frame as the Rock Towers photo (, taken the same day practically consecutively, the only change is the exposure time, in the previous case very long thanks to a 10 steps ND filter and in this case much shorter although maintaining the use of a 4 stops soft graduated ND filter to compensate the luminosity of the sky. Esta foto un claro ejemplo de como un cambio en la velocidad de exposición puede lograr dos resultados totalmente diferentes y transmitir sensaciones claramente distintas. Es exactamente el mismo encuadre que la foto Rock Towers (, tomada el mismo día prácticamente de forma consecutiva, el único cambio es la velocidad de exposición, en el caso anterior muy prolongada gracias a un filtro ND de 10 pasos y en este caso mucho más breve aunque manteniendo el uso de un filtro ND degradado suave de 4 pasos para compensar la luminosidad del cielo.
David Alvarez Velicia: Photos
Butterfly by J A T M I K O
Butterfly by J A T M I K O
J A T M I K O: Photos
The Underpass by Koen Jacobs
The Underpass by Koen Jacobs
Famous old pedestrian tunnel under the river Scheldt. Here I zoomed in during the exposure (1/6) to create more tunnel (“the more tunnel, the better” – E. Musk).
Koen Jacobs: Photos
Godafoss Winter Details by Dan...
Godafoss Winter Details by Daniel Fleischhacker
I love those frozen winter details! Many techniques used on this image are demonstrated in my new set of in depth video tutorials. Just check out my website for more information. VIDEO TUTORIALS
______________ Viele der hier angewandten Techniken werden sehr ausführlich in meinen Video Tutorials demonstriert. Mehr Informationen dazu findet Ihr auf meiner Website.
Daniel Fleischhacker: Photos
Red Fox in a Snow World by Roe...
Red Fox in a Snow World by Roeselien Raimond
Instagram | | Facebook
Red fox in a frozen world
Roeselien Raimond: Photos
Don’t be a cow by Martin...
Don’t be a cow by Martin Podt
This one I made a year ago, out of revenge… What I never expected is that it turned out to become one of my most popular photos… Click here if you are interested to learn my workflow. Facebook | Instagram | Fine Art America |
Martin Podt: Photos
Tehuelche by Timothy Poulton
Tehuelche by Timothy Poulton
Timothy Poulton: Photos
Just blue (on black). by Juan ...
Just blue (on black). by Juan Pablo de Miguel
Sign up for tutorials: Book your place in my trip to Canada! Ask me about it at
Juan Pablo de Miguel: Photos
River of Light by Ole Henrik S...
River of Light by Ole Henrik Skjelstad
Ringerike, Norway. Nisi S5 with cpl and Nisi Medium.
Easter sale: All my tutorials $20 until Saturday evening Norwegian time:
Ole Henrik Skjelstad: Photos
Denmark’s golden coast. by Joh...
Denmark’s golden coast. by Johannes Hulsch
Johannes Hulsch: Photos
Mountain Sunrise by Adnan Buba...
Mountain Sunrise by Adnan Bubalo
Cvrsnica, Bosnia
Adnan Bubalo : Photos
puellasole by Vladimir Nikolae...
puellasole by Vladimir Nikolaev
Kristina Makarova
Vladimir Nikolaev: Photos