Big Natural Bridge by videopho...

From: Photos

Big Natural Bridge by videophotoart com

The photograph was taken at Rakov Škocjan – Slovenia – and shows the Big Natural Bridge (Slovene: Veliki naravni most) . Rakov Škocjan is a very nice karst valley. Aeons ago the small river of Rak (Shrimps) was flowing underground, close to the surface. But as water was eroding limestone, ceilings of broad caves collapsed, after which water washed away most of debris. Some remains of cave system however stayed, now being shown as natural bridges. The whole valley is not more than 2.5 km long and the rest of Rak River flow is still underground.

videophotoart com: Photos

Big Natural Bridge by videophotoart com The photograph was taken at Rakov Škocjan – Slovenia – and shows the Big Natural Bridge (Slovene: Veliki naravni most) . Rakov Škocjan is a very nice karst valley....

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Alps Tale by Adnan Bubalo

From: Photos

Alps Tale by Adnan Bubalo

Hallstat Austria,

Adnan Bubalo: Photos

Alps Tale by Adnan Bubalo Hallstat Austria, Adnan Bubalo: Photos

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Hardy by Lars van de Goor

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Hardy by Lars van de Goor

Lars van de Goor: Photos

Hardy by Lars van de Goor Lars van de Goor: Photos

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☼ Excellent hunter ☼ by ☼ Euge...

From: Photos

☼ Excellent hunter ☼ by ☼ Eugene Banin ☼

World – a dangerous place! From the viewpoint of the efficiency is not equal all predators.
The effectiveness of all dragonflies here: their hunt succeeds in 95% of cases.
For comparison, take the lion: the king of the beasts goes to a quarter of the entire production, which he hunts, and then we have to work hard. Or here’s a great white shark – with all its deadliness she manages to catch only about half of the victims desired.
So what’s the secret of success of dragonflies? In particular dragonflies nervous system, allowing them no time to focus on a single object. Neurons in the brain dragonfly responsible for the flight and movement, give it a unique ability to pursue a moving target, calculate their own actions, to instantly change the trajectory of the flight and eventually to capture prey.
Then the process begins again – the appetite of a dragonfly that satisfy it completely is nearly impossible.
☼ Превосходный охотник ☼
Мир – опасное место! С точки зрения эффективности не все хищники одинаковы.
Эффективнее всех здесь стрекозы: их охота завершается успехом в 95% случаев. Для сравнения возьмём льва: царю зверей достаётся четверть из всей добычи, на которую он охотится, и то приходится сильно постараться. Или вот большая белая акула — при всей своей смертоносности ей удаётся поймать только около половины желаемых жертв.
Так в чём же секрет успеха стрекоз? У стрекоз особая нервная система, позволяющая им в мгновение ока сосредоточиться на одном объекте. Нейроны в мозге стрекозы, отвечающие за полёт и движения, дают ей уникальную способность преследовать движущуюся цель, рассчитывать свои собственные действия, моментально изменять траекторию полёта и в итоге захватить жертву.
А потом процесс начинается снова — аппетит у стрекоз такой, что удовлетворить его полностью почти невозможно.

☼ Eugene Banin ☼: Photos

☼ Excellent hunter ☼ by ☼ Eugene Banin ☼ World – a dangerous place! From the viewpoint of the efficiency is not equal all predators. The effectiveness of all dragonflies here: their hunt succeeds in 95%...

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A Mantle of Snow by Ole Henrik...

From: Photos

A Mantle of Snow by Ole Henrik Skjelstad

Yet another winter scene from a period when we had snow. Ringerike, Norway. Most likely best on a dark background…. Photoshop tutorials: Instagram:

Ole Henrik Skjelstad: Photos

A Mantle of Snow by Ole Henrik Skjelstad Yet another winter scene from a period when we had snow. Ringerike, Norway. Most likely best on a dark background…. Photoshop tutorials:

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Early morning… by Vincen...

From: Photos

Early morning… by Vincent Favre

© Vincent Favre

Vincent Favre: Photos

Early morning… by Vincent Favre © Vincent Favre Vincent Favre: Photos

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Enjoy the Moment by Daniel F.

From: Photos

Enjoy the Moment by Daniel F.

FACEBOOK Many techniques used on this image are demonstrated in my recently released set of videos. Just check out my website for more information.
____ Viele der hier angewandten Techniken werden sehr ausführlich in meinen aktuellen Video Tutorials demonstriert. Mehr Infos dazu findet Ihr auf meiner Website.

Daniel F.: Photos

Enjoy the Moment by Daniel F. POST PROCESSING BILDBEARBEITUNG WEBSITE FACEBOOK Many techniques used on this image are demonstrated in my recently released set of videos. Just check out my website for more information. ____...

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Hey – are you thinking w...

From: Photos

Hey – are you thinking what I’m thinking? by John Wilhelm is a photoholic

If you like my photos, follow me on facebook: [click]

John Wilhelm is a photoholic: Photos

Hey – are you thinking what I’m thinking? by John Wilhelm is a photoholic If you like my photos, follow me on facebook: [click] John Wilhelm is a photoholic: Photos

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Cold Morning by Jaewoon U

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Cold Morning by Jaewoon U


Jaewoon U: Photos

Cold Morning by Jaewoon U -15 Jaewoon U: Photos

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Puez Odle 3 by Martin Worsøe J...

From: Photos

Puez Odle 3 by Martin Worsøe Jensen

Parco naturale Puez Odle, Dolomiti.
Sunset shot.

Martin Worsøe Jensen: Photos

Puez Odle 3 by Martin Worsøe Jensen Parco naturale Puez Odle, Dolomiti. Sunset shot. Martin Worsøe Jensen: Photos

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Sexy housewife by Gene Oryx

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Sexy housewife by Gene Oryx Gene Oryx: Photos

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Early morning fog by Mauro Ber...

From: Photos

Early morning fog by Mauro Bertuol

Sunrise, Val d’Orcia, Tuscany, Italy

Mauro Bertuol: Photos

Early morning fog by Mauro Bertuol Sunrise, Val d’Orcia, Tuscany, Italy Mauro Bertuol: Photos

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