Reitdiephaven by Martin Podt

From: Photos

Reitdiephaven by Martin Podt

With this photo I won a gold medal in the Trierenberg Super Circuit 2017. Facebook | Instagram | Fine Art America

Martin Podt: Photos

Reitdiephaven by Martin Podt With this photo I won a gold medal in the Trierenberg Super Circuit 2017. Facebook | Instagram | Fine Art America Martin Podt: Photos

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FEP Golden Camera Winner by Le...

From: Photos

FEP Golden Camera Winner by Levani Levanidze

FEP European Photographer of The Year Award 2017 This photo was taken in Caucasus, Georgia, Guria region, from the place located at 2600 m. above sea level. This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen, called Gomismta, it’s different every morning, mysterious and foggy. The place is reachable only from late srping to autumn, during the rest of the time it’s absolutaly snowy.

Levani Levanidze: Photos

FEP Golden Camera Winner by Levani Levanidze FEP European Photographer of The Year Award 2017 This photo was taken in Caucasus, Georgia, Guria region, from the place located at 2600 m. above sea level. This is the most...

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Coziness by Herman van den Ber...

From: Photos

Coziness by Herman van den Berge

A beautiful calm evening at the Lingehaven in Gorinchem. Best viewed on black (click image or press “M”)

Herman van den Berge: Photos

Coziness by Herman van den Berge A beautiful calm evening at the Lingehaven in Gorinchem. Best viewed on black (click image or press “M”) Herman van den Berge: Photos

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Tides by Lorenzo Nadalini

From: Photos

Tides by Lorenzo Nadalini

Mont Saint-Michel – France I took this panorama from the terrace of the beautiful Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel. From this height everything becomes so small and you can also see the seagulls still in the middle of nowhere, footprints left on the sand and mud by people who walked around during the daytime.
As a rhythm, as the heart beat, but slower… Slower perhaps because nature has this pace.
While I was waiting for the right light I enjoyed the scene unfolding front of my eyes thinking how they form those fantastic streaks, those forms, those shades.
In fact the Bay there are many streams and rivulets that dig in the sand drawing incredible designs. Easy…but lovely. Water slowly begins to retire. Then suddenly returns to silence. Again…and again. I hope you enjoy it

Lorenzo Nadalini: Photos

Tides by Lorenzo Nadalini Mont Saint-Michel – France I took this panorama from the terrace of the beautiful Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel. From this height everything becomes so small and you can also see the seagulls...

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Snow mountain sunrise 《克麦隆山》 b...

From: Photos

Snow mountain sunrise 《克麦隆山》 by Qiye 赣州柒爺


Qiye 赣州柒爺: Photos

Snow mountain sunrise 《克麦隆山》 by Qiye 赣州柒爺 神山克麦隆的山体如擎天巨柱般横空出世,山形如山鹰之嘴向天张开,挺拔俊秀,是格聂群峰中最奇险最阳刚的一座,因山巅陡峭尖立,连冰雪也无法堆积…… ...

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Polly by Kristina Kazarina

From: Photos

Polly by Kristina Kazarina Kristina Kazarina: Photos

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AGO by A Frenchman In NY

From: Photos

AGO by A Frenchman In NY

Recently decided to switch it up a bit, new edits and different type of photography. Hope you enjoy

A Frenchman In NY: Photos

AGO by A Frenchman In NY Recently decided to switch it up a bit, new edits and different type of photography. Hope you enjoy A Frenchman In NY: Photos

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Catch it like a dog by John Wi...

From: Photos

Catch it like a dog by John Wilhelm is a photoholic

If you like my photos, follow me on facebook: [click]

John Wilhelm is a photoholic: Photos

Catch it like a dog by John Wilhelm is a photoholic If you like my photos, follow me on facebook: [click] John Wilhelm is a photoholic: Photos

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Spring Leaves by Kilian Schönb...

From: Photos

Spring Leaves by Kilian Schönberger @kilianschoenberger I N S T A G R A M Kilian Schönberger: Photos

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Straws by Ole Henrik Skjelstad

From: Photos

Straws by Ole Henrik Skjelstad

Sunrise Tyrifjorden, Norway. A big thanks to Dag Ole Nordhaug for helping me out with the image: Single exposure exposed for the highlights. A breeze to pick up the shadows with incredibly little noise thanks to the K-1.

Ole Henrik Skjelstad: Photos

Straws by Ole Henrik Skjelstad Sunrise Tyrifjorden, Norway. A big thanks to Dag Ole Nordhaug for helping me out with the image: Single exposure exposed for the highlights. A breeze to pick...

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Southern Twilight by Lisa Holl...

From: Photos

Southern Twilight by Lisa Holloway

Please join my new FACEBOOK GROUP to learn all about natural light child and family portraiture! 🙂

Lisa Holloway: Photos

Southern Twilight by Lisa Holloway Please join my new FACEBOOK GROUP to learn all about natural light child and family portraiture! 🙂 Lisa Holloway: Photos

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Creatures of the Forest by Lar...

From: Photos

Creatures of the Forest by Lars van de Goor

Dim the Light, hit the M

Lars van de Goor: Photos

Creatures of the Forest by Lars van de Goor Dim the Light, hit the M | WEBSITE |INSTAGRAM | Lars van de Goor: Photos

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