Crescent Falls. by Johannes Hu...

From: Photos

Crescent Falls. by Johannes Hulsch

Johannes Hulsch: Photos

Crescent Falls. by Johannes Hulsch Johannes Hulsch: Photos

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Way of light by Jonathan Giova...

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Way of light by Jonathan Giovannini

Way of light
A beautiful sunset by the sea, near Antignano

Jonathan Giovannini: Photos

Way of light by Jonathan Giovannini Way of light A beautiful sunset by the sea, near Antignano Jonathan Giovannini: Photos

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Olimpia by Alessio Albi

From: Photos

Olimpia by Alessio Albi

Model: Olimpia at Fashion Model Management

Alessio Albi: Photos

Olimpia by Alessio Albi Model: Olimpia at Fashion Model Management Alessio Albi: Photos

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***Quo Vadis*** by Joachim Ber...

From: Photos

***Quo Vadis*** by Joachim Bergauer Joachim Bergauer: Photos

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in blue by Agnès Perrodon

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in blue by Agnès Perrodon

Agnès Perrodon: Photos

in blue by Agnès Perrodon Agnès Perrodon: Photos

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kootenay national park. bc. by...

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kootenay national park. bc. by Tanner Wendell Stewart

Processed with VSCO with s2 preset

Tanner Wendell Stewart: Photos

kootenay national park. bc. by Tanner Wendell Stewart Processed with VSCO with s2 preset Tanner Wendell Stewart: Photos

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The enchantment of El Teide by...

From: Photos

The enchantment of El Teide by Isabella Tabacchi

El Teide is a volcano in Tenerife, a island in Canarian archipelago. The lava and the erosions around it created tall and strange rocks in a really crazy enviroment.

Isabella Tabacchi: Photos

The enchantment of El Teide by Isabella Tabacchi El Teide is a volcano in Tenerife, a island in Canarian archipelago. The lava and the erosions around it created tall and strange rocks in a really crazy enviroment. ...

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The Path To The Sun by The Nar...

From: Photos

The Path To The Sun by The Narratographer

Whereas most images I process have been left largely untouched, this one has been seriously messed with. It was an awful photo, really bland and insipid, so I did what I could to make it worthy of publishing. Whether I succeeded or not, I am not sure. I like the view, I like the composition, but I am not sure if my heavy-handed editing has added or not. It isn’t often that you get a beautiful red sunset over Durdle Door. The weather on this little part of the coast can be completely different to how it is just a mile or so inland. But the skies looked promising as I made the drive down to the coast and I was sure that when I got there, there might be something worth photographing.
What I did find when I arrived was that the place was absolutely deserted. Durdle Door at sunset is usually littered with photographers, all standing in the same place to get the same shot and it makes life difficult for those of us who want to get a shot of something other than a close up of the ‘door’. Seriously, they all stand in the same place, like lemmings, all trying to get that one shot. Sometimes I just watch them, all standing there and never moving to get a different composition. Some of them can be there for hours. Still, on this occasion, the place was empty.
That was until Kevin started to make his way down the hill. I didn’t know Kevin at the time, but we got chatting and he seemed like a really nice guy. From North Wales, near Snowdon in fact, he had ventured down here for a training course and decided to photograph some of the local places whilst here. How I could have done with him when I was up in Snowdon a week or so back…

The Narratographer: Photos

The Path To The Sun by The Narratographer Whereas most images I process have been left largely untouched, this one has been seriously messed with. It was an awful photo, really bland and insipid, so I did what I could...

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The Gate of Light by Lars van ...

From: Photos

The Gate of Light by Lars van de Goor

Best Seen on Black, hit the M

Lars van de Goor: Photos

The Gate of Light by Lars van de Goor Best Seen on Black, hit the M | WEBSITE |INSTAGRAM | Lars van de Goor: Photos

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Sai Wan by A Frenchman In NY

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Sai Wan by A Frenchman In NY

A Frenchman In NY: Photos

Sai Wan by A Frenchman In NY A Frenchman In NY: Photos

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Tibet snow mountain《克麦隆山》 by Q...

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Tibet snow mountain《克麦隆山》 by Qiye 赣州柒爺


Qiye 赣州柒爺: Photos

Tibet snow mountain《克麦隆山》 by Qiye 赣州柒爺 神山克麦隆的山体如擎天巨柱般横空出世,山形如山鹰之嘴向天张开,挺拔俊秀,是格聂群峰中最奇险最阳刚的一座,因山巅陡峭尖立,连冰雪也无法堆积。 ...

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s t e e l by Kai Ziehl

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s t e e l by Kai Ziehl

nikon d7000

Kai Ziehl: Photos

s t e e l by Kai Ziehl nikon d7000 Kai Ziehl: Photos

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