Golden Hour 2 by Barrie Lathwe...
Golden Hour 2 by Barrie Lathwell 2
From a series at Buzzard’s Roost on Slieve Binnian in the Mourne mountains shortly before sunset last November.
Barrie Lathwell 2: Photos
Tequila Rosa 2020 by Joel Hamm...
Tequila Rosa 2020 by Joel Hammond
I hope everyone has been well and enjoying their summer with their families. Here is a shot of a Tequila Rose during the rainy season here.
Joel Hammond: Photos
The invisible… by Instag...
The invisible… by Instagram: @fisiotur
“The more I look at the sky, the more I have
sure that this explanation about the invisible is too infinite to fit in the limitation of my biological mind. But I will say what I feel. I feel that the invisible moves all. The tides, the stars, the sounds, time, people, coincidences. And we always end up attracting exactly the same vibration of feelings that we emanate to the
invisible.” (Ana Michelle) _________ “Quanto mais olho o céu, mais tenho certeza de que essa explicação sobre o invisível é infinita demais para caber na limitação da minha mente biológica. Mas vou dizer o que sinto. Eu sinto que o invisível movimenta
tudo. As marés, as estrelas, os sons, tempo, as pessoas, as coincidências. E a gente sempre acaba atraindo exatamente a mesma vibração de sentimentos que emanamos para o invisível.” (Ana Michelle – Enquanto eu respirar)
Instagram: @fisiotur: Photos
Panorama under clouds by Andy5...
Panorama under clouds by Andy58/András Schafer
Andy58/András Schafer: Photos
Mount Adams at Sunrise, Washin...
Mount Adams at Sunrise, Washington State by Dale Johnson
From the Windy Ridge Viewpoint on Mount Saint Helens, you can also see Mount Rainier, Mount Hood, and as seen here, Mount Adams.
Dale Johnson: Photos
The Island of Senja by Marco G...
The Island of Senja by Marco Grassi
This place is a photographer’s paradise all-year-round, but it’s during the summer that you can best enjoy the beautiful hikes and endless sunrises and sunsets around the area. Here, for the first time, I experienced the midnight sun phenomenon. The sun never sets and it’s always visible; it just gets close to the horizon to rise again. Some specs: The image was taken at 16mm and it’s the result of a 9 shots multiple row panorama, which I had to do in order to be able to get this amount of sky, foreground and rocks on the side. I then slightly cropped the picture on both sides to focus the attention on the center of the frame.
Marco Grassi: Photos
Endless by Emilie Ristevski
Endless by Emilie Ristevski
Sweeping golden sand dune layers.
Emilie Ristevski: Photos
Fire Pond by Samal Tofik
Fire Pond by Samal Tofik
It was a moment of rare and beautiful light that rivaled any attempt at photographing it, but still I was able to make an image I felt captured at least something of the energy of the moment. The surf and frozen pond formations added to the scene, though I feel restricted in this small viewing format to show you the luminescent glow of the pile of ice crystals in the center here. The sunset like the fire, and the cold water is a solid in -30C temps, and calm will return for the winter.
Samal Tofik: Photos
symbiosis by Karen Abramyan
symbiosis by Karen Abramyan
Karen Abramyan: Photos
L by Evgeny Loza
L by Evgeny Loza
Evgeny Loza: Photos
Winter by ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐J. Photography⭐...
Winter by ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐J. Photography⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐J. Photography⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: Photos