Surprised by Joy by Victor Car...
Surprised by Joy by Victor Carreiro
I finally have a website! It’s far from being finished, but at least it’s up and running. I took a day trip to the Sonoma Coast to see what I could find. It was actually frustrating and raining right up until sunset. I couldn’t find a decent comp and I had slipped on some rocks about dozen times until my knees were bleeding. Finding this little stream that fed into the ocean was a nice surprise.
Victor Carreiro: Photos
Lake Louise by Terence Leezy
Lake Louise by Terence Leezy
Terence Leezy: Photos
Breaking Bandon by Erin Tolie
Breaking Bandon by Erin Tolie
It has been far too long since I have posted something online, much less had the time to photograph anything at all. The reason being, I recently bought a new RV and have decided to head south and explore my options. I’m currently taking some time in Bandon. It is so cool to just roll outta bed, grab my gear and 5 minutes later be down amongst the sea stacks here. This is the first time I have photographed anything in over a month. It took me a bit to get back into the swing of things. Plus it was 31 degrees this morning and I had run outta propane (heat) the evening before. I was not looking to get wet so I took the safe route and perched up on some rocks. Anyways, it is so good to get back out there doing what I love to do most. Thanks for taking the time to check out my shot 🙂
Erin Tolie: Photos
Cold Winter Day by Stacy White
Cold Winter Day by Stacy White
Stacy White: Photos
Progress by Ryan Millier
Progress by Ryan Millier
Ryan Millier: Photos
Serene morning at Lake Matheso...
Serene morning at Lake Matheson by Coolbiere. A.
Coolbiere. A.: Photos
Stephanie – Natural Ligh...
Stephanie – Natural Light by Dani Diamond
Natural light only
Before/After can be found on FACEBOOK
Tutorial explaining how I take and edit my portraits using natural light only
Behind the scenes images on INSTAGRAM
My Articles on Fstoppers worth reading
Dani Diamond: Photos
Winter Wonderland by viktor da...
Winter Wonderland by viktor davare
viktor davare: Photos
Chicago by Tim Gaweco
Chicago by Tim Gaweco
Tim Gaweco: Photos
New York City Skyline by night...
New York City Skyline by night by johanmorin100
The colorful skyline of the famous New York City
johanmorin100: Photos
Last of His Kind by The Blurre...
Last of His Kind by The Blurred Lens .
My Instagram: An elephant walks like this and that. He’s terribly tall and terribly fat. He has no fingers, he has no toes. But goodness gracious, what a nose!
The Blurred Lens .: Photos
Soul Searching by Alister Benn
Soul Searching by Alister Benn
Hi everyone. I get to spend 2-3 months a year on Iceland and always make some time to explore new areas once the tours are over. This is yet another little valley that we drive past on a regular basis and never stop on our way to and from the iconic locations. We were lucky to be there just as the sun came over the horizon (about 11:10am!) Single exposure with the D810 and a 14-24/2.8
Alister Benn: Photos