The Greatest Morning of Kelan ...
The Greatest Morning of Kelan by Bertoni Siswanto
Sponsored by Ray Master Filter How lovely morning , i got cute big clouds and awesome reflection . Before i upload with long exposure and now just a bit exposure of it because In here is my favourite spot for get best reflection , even hardest to be in and scary like scary movie but always have fun here . If anyones wanna have Bali Tours Landscape Photography can contact me as person from my fb : Bertoni Siswanto or mail : Have a nice evening and God Bless You All
Bertoni Siswanto: Photos
Frosty Winter Sunrise by Corey...
Frosty Winter Sunrise by Corey Hardcastle
Was able to get out this morning after an early look outside revealed that the clouds looked perfect for a nice sunrise. I quickly packed up and headed out. It was -30 celsius and about -37 with the wind chill. It honestly didn’t feel that bad, partially because I hiked a short ways over some difficult terrain. The spot I wanted was about 15 feet into the river. The shoreline was all tangled trees so I made the plunge wishing I would have worn my muck boats vs Sorels. 2 soakers later and falling in the water up to my thighs, I was able to capture a few images, this one being my favourite.
Corey Hardcastle: Photos
Reflections of dawn on the flo...
Crimson by limeblu photography
Crimson by limeblu photography
It is courage, courage, courage, that raises the blood of life to crimson splendor. Live bravely and present a brave front to adversity.
limeblu photography: Photos
2016 Music Preview: 100+ Notab...
U.S. rapper Ice Cube to reunit...
U.S. rapper Ice Cube will try to reunite the living members of N.W.A. at this year's Coachella festival according to NME. Ice Cube is set for a solo performance at the festival, which takes place in April later this year, but has now revealed in an interview with U.S. show The Talk that he will also try to bring along with him the surviving members of the band, saying, "I've got some tricks up my sleeves … I'm gonna try to bring the members of N.W.A. together. Although Dr Dre hasn't performed with the group in years, Ice Cube did reunite with group members DJ Yella and MC Ren last year before the release of the 2015 biographical film Straight Outta Compton, which charts the story of the group.
umbrella nights by Viktoria Ha...
umbrella nights by Viktoria Haack
We’ve had a lot of snow over the past few days and I wanted to test out my new Nikon 24-70 2.8 VR so I got the old umbrella out 🙂 My facebook and instagram
Viktoria Haack: Photos
“Throne of Light” ...
“Throne of Light” by Mark Metternich

Post Processing Video Tutorials

Some of the most awesome light I have witnessed in 14 years of doing landscape photography full time. No compositing, no light bleeding, no Photoshop trickery here. A single shot with conservative adjustments. 

Kevin Finn McNeal and I chased a Mega Thunderstorm from Kanab, Utah to Wotans Throne, Grand Canyon (Arizona) and we were very richly rewarded. I’ll never forget this shoot the rest of my life. I thought I had died and gone to heaven! 

 Feel free to follow me on my FACEBOOK
 page if you so desire. Tons of very exciting things in the works for 2016!

Mark Metternich: Photos
Del by Hunter Reilly
a breakfast by Fedor Shmidt
a breakfast by Fedor Shmidt My Instagramm My Tumblr My Videos My FB My Vk My Twitter
Fedor Shmidt: Photos
7208 by Michael Salisbury
**** by Brian Ingram
**** by Brian Ingram
An oldie from the archives of my niece/Ilford Delta More on my INSTAGRAM
Brian Ingram: Photos