Feeling low? Get on some mount...
Feeling low? Get on some mountains. by Oscar Nilsson
Oscar Nilsson: Photos
Sinker by Greg Boratyn
Sinker by Greg Boratyn
Here is one to fix your Monday’s mood. Again, I took this shot in Kauai, Hawaii. It’s a quite secret location and really hard to find. One has to cross some water/river/beach and certainly get wet just to get to this location, then wait for big enough waves to push the water out of the sink hole to capture the effect of a waterfall your see on the shot. I’d like to thank my friend Matt Feeser and pro photographer from Kauai for showing me this location. Without him I would probably never find it. Oh almost forgot, along the way (at night) we encountered some giant frogs (the size of a fist at least). Man, they really freaked me out, and they didn’t move when we walked. It would be a creepy feeling to step on one of those… 🙂
I say all was worth the effort because this is what I’ve captured. Plus we saw some whales in the distance ocean.
Greg Boratyn: Photos
Alone with the city. by Humza ...
Alone with the city. by Humza Deas
This night was so mundane, until I failed to convince another friend to come along with me up top.. As I began to transcend I doubted myself that I would make it to the top alone since I was alone. About half way up I began to panic because I had to look all the way down at the traffic as I walked across 10 inch beams to make it to the other side. Seeing & hearing the traffic of New York made me at ease with the moment because of how beautiful it was. Finally once I made it across I sat down to catch my breath for about 10 minutes before I began to capture the moment. At that moment I had my first personal moment with the city, nothing else on my mind.. In a state of awe was when I fell in love with New York.. Moments later I returned to my friend waiting down below, anxious to tell him about my experience.
Humza Deas: Photos
Goodbye, Day by Adrian C. Murr...
Goodbye, Day by Adrian C. Murray
Sometimes I think we get so caught up in the details when it comes to photography. I know I certainly do. “What is the best camera, lens, software, computer, etc?” “I need to get everything in focus!” “I need to get only my subject in focus and have insane bokeh…” “My camera needs to have 15 stops of dynamic range before I can get a decent picture…” I’ve been guilty of all of these. Though, something I constantly try to remind myself is how it’s not about *just* the details. It’s about the moment. What makes the image significant. Forget the gadgets. Forget the technical perfections. Show why that story is important and let the imperfections shine. Okay, rant’s over. Have a great day, 500pxers!
Adrian C. Murray: Photos
JR Studioworks by The Photo Fi...
JR Studioworks by The Photo Fiend
Something a bit different for me. Some natural window light on Robin – @Robin.Danyluk from Charles Stuart International for JR Studioworks. ♥
The Photo Fiend: Photos
Beach Vibes by Sylvio Testa
Beach Vibes by Sylvio Testa
Sylvio Testa: Photos
First day of spring 2016 by PA...
First day of spring 2016 by PAkDocK @PAkDocK
Today is the first “legal” day of Spring 2016, though we saw the first flowers on the peach trees by January in the warm Region of Murcia. Fianlly, peach trees blossom, the colour in the fields is pink, nice weather….definitely Spring is here. Cieza, Spain. 2016
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PAk DocK©
PAkDocK @PAkDocK: Photos
One Second by Marc Adamus
One Second by Marc Adamus
On this morning we drove 4 hours before dawn after changing plans on account of snow hitting the red rock sandstone of the Escalante where we had been residing. Looking at the satellites I knew the storm was likely to break around dawn, and when we arrived at the Grand Canyon at 7am the first light was just coming in. As the morning went on waves of light and snow alternated across the rim. One minute snowing so hard you could barely see and just seconds later clearing perfectly as the light danced across the many layers below us. I hand-held all the shots, reacting fast with a long lens, taking hundreds of exposures. This image depicts snowfall catching the light as a lone peak in the canyons below does the same.
Marc Adamus: Photos
Basilica di Santa Maria Maggio...
Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore by Sean Archer
Personal online lessons and video tutorials. I will share everything I know about natural light, composition, retouching and colors. I found my own way in retouching, you will be surprised how simple it is. All you need to know is Photoshop basics (you can be an absolute beginner). I dont use frequency separation, masks and any complicated methods. It’s really simple and very fast. Usually, it’s only 10-30 minutes of work with one photo. And the result is good enough for covers! Write me by email for personal online lessons – outofsight@mail.ru
Sean Archer: Photos
She’s the one by Alessan...
She’s the one by Alessandro Di Cicco
contact me on facebook or email: diciccophotography@hotmail.com
Alessandro Di Cicco: Photos
Amazonia by jose arley agudelo
Amazonia by jose arley agudelo
jose arley agudelo: Photos