The Val D’Orcia before d...
The Val D’Orcia before dawn. by fabrizio massetti
The Val D’Orcia before dawn.
fabrizio massetti: Photos
My dreams always come by iD...
The road to spring by Jørn All...
Above all. by Oscar Nilsson
Hailee & Jaci by Lisa Holl...
Hailee & Jaci by Lisa Holloway
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Lisa Holloway: Photos
Sunrise in Lisbon by Ricardo B...
Mexico music video showing wom...
A man finds his lover in bed with another man. "Fuiste Mia" ("You were mine"), a slick music video by the Mexican-American singer Gerardo Ortiz, has garnered more than 25 million views on YouTube — and provoked a furious backlash in a country that suffers from an ingrained culture of sexual violence and where killings of women have surged. The 25-year-old Ortiz has a long list of "narcocorridos" — or "narco ballads" — to his credit, a controversial yet hugely popular genre that celebrates the feats of Mexico's drug lords and is banned from the airwaves in many places.
Different Perspective by Doug ...
Different Perspective by Doug Shearer
A different angle of a shot previously posted – a bit of a panoramic feel with a fallen branch for foreground interest. They began work to clear Chinook Pass. Another month and we’ll have better access to the Cascade Range. Have a great weekend everyone. Enjoy Spring (or Fall).
Doug Shearer: Photos
Mood of Iceland by David Keoch...
Remembering Zaha by Jennifer B...
The Great Race by Jake Olson S...
The Great Race by Jake Olson Studios
Spring Sale Discount! $19.99 Photoshop Secrets Sale for my 500px followers only USE DISCOUNT CODE “DISCOUNT20”!…Get my Complete video tutorial collection covering my entire post processing workflow in PS and Lightroom for only $19.99! (Over SEVEN Hours PLUS 40 SKIES) Purchase Here and use discount code DISCOUNT20 (ALL CAPS AND HIT APPLY!) ! -> JAKE OLSON STUDIOS TUTORIAL
Jake Olson Studios: Photos