Spotify says growth has quicke...
By Mia Shanley and Jonathan Weber STOCKHOLM (Reuters) – Music streaming service Spotify has seen a faster pace of growth since the launch in June last year of rival Apple Music, a top executive said on Monday. "It's great that Apple is in the game. It is hard to build an industry on your own," Jonathan Forster, a vice president and one of its first employees, told Reuters in an interview.
kitty (19) by Vlado Ferencic
kitty (19) by Vlado Ferencic
Vlado Ferencic: Photos
Caro in Venice. by André Josse...
Caro in Venice. by André Josselin
André Josselin: Photos
The Young Rider by Vichaya Pop
The Young Rider by Vichaya Pop
Shot from the high hills of northern Thailand.
Vichaya Pop: Photos
Between My Thoughts by Ali Al-...
Between My Thoughts by Ali Al-Zaidi
Ali Al-Zaidi: Photos
The Pandora II by Shan Huang
The Pandora II by Shan Huang
张家界 (ZhangJiaJie, China). Home of the floating mountains in Avatar.. Hope you see the resemblances 🙂 The incredible cloud showed up on the last day of my visit. Happy Monday and a great week ahead all. I would also love to see you on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM!
Shan Huang: Photos
Blue blood by Margarita Kareva
Blue blood by Margarita Kareva
Blue blood
Margarita Kareva: Photos
Oasis by jose arley agudelo
Oasis by jose arley agudelo
jose arley agudelo: Photos
The Abandoned World by Mikko L...
The Abandoned World by Mikko Lagerstedt
The Abandoned World Information about the photo on my blog.
Mikko Lagerstedt: Photos
Winter Majesty by Alex Noriega
Winter Majesty by Alex Noriega
White Pocket 2016 Tour
Private Workshops
Processing Instruction I know spring is in full swing here in the northern hemisphere, but winter is coming for those in the southern hemisphere (and in Westeros). So here’s one more image from a night snow camping at Mount Rainier with my buddy Mike Bollino in February. I shot some pretty dramatic sunrise light at this spot the following morning, but I ended up preferring this high-key blue and white rendition from the afternoon we arrived at camp. I feel it conveys the purity of the post-snowstorm scene up there better than warm colors.
Alex Noriega: Photos
Dubai dream by Manjik photogra...
Dubai dream by Manjik photography
Dubai Marina Feel free to follow me on :
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Manjik photography: Photos