Dusk at Lake Minnewanka by Dav...
Dusk at Lake Minnewanka by David Dai
David Dai: Photos
Clouds against clouds by Andre...
Clouds against clouds by Andrea Canozzi
I waited over three weeks for having this shoot : one day rainde, one day there was too clouds, one day too few. Finally i found the right weather conditions and seeing the clouds being reflected was astoshing :D. I needed a long exposure because there was too much wind that day and a little family of duck swimming around the poles. Hope it’s worth it 🙂
Andrea Canozzi: Photos
Katrin. by Kettenkarussell Pho...
Katrin. by Kettenkarussell Photography
Kettenkarussell Photography: Photos
Two Jack Lake by Juan Pablo de...
Two Jack Lake by Juan Pablo de Miguel
Fine Art Prints
Like my Facebook Page for more frequent updates on travels and photos, Instagram too.
● Ey! I read ALL the comments, especially ones that offer constructive criticism!
Juan Pablo de Miguel: Photos
Countryside by Adnan Bubalo
Countryside by Adnan Bubalo
Beautiful morning in Easter Bosnia, reminde me of Tuscany a lot. Single exposure.
Adnan Bubalo: Photos
Luces de mayo by Jose Maria Ra...
Luces de mayo by Jose Maria Ramos Montero
Gracias por pasarte
Jose Maria Ramos Montero: Photos
“meteora” by e&...
“meteora” by e&e photography
© 2016 Engin Erol .. All rights reserved The photo is protected by copyright laws and may not be used on websites, blogs or other media without my written permission; they may not be edited or used in other artworks, neither in total nor in parts. Violations may cause legal consequences……………………………….Yunanistan’ın orta kesiminde, Kalambaka yakınlarında doğa ve insanoğlu el ele vererek bir mucize yaratmış. Yeryüzünde binlerce yıl önce meydana gelen ani sıcaklık değişikliği yüksekliği 550 metreyi bulan dev kaya sütunları oluşturmuş. Sonra ortaçağın gözüpek keşişleri kayalara tırmanıp, göz alıcı manastırlar inşa etmişler. Altı manastırdan sadece biri rahibelere ait.11 yüyılda yapılmışlardır.James Bond un “for your eyes only” filmi burada çekilmiştir….
e&e photography: Photos
Walking the old path. by Leif ...
Walking the old path. by Leif Løndal
One of my old images with new techniques.
Leif Løndal: Photos
One girl….One cameraR...
One girl….One camera… by Malc Lawes
The portrait of a photographer,…hope you like…Happy weekend to all….
Malc Lawes: Photos
Space Odyssey by Arpan Das
Space Odyssey by Arpan Das
This is a 27 shots panorama, 12 frames for the sky (2 layers * 6 images) and 3 horizontal frames for the foreground and 5 images for each frame for focus stacking. After struggling for 1 week to merge it in photoshop I finally managed to do it with photomerge. Took 1 hour just to merge one layer. Hope you will enjoy it. PS- Some people already asked if it is a composite or not, not it is not a composite. The image was taken at the same time. 😉
Arpan Das: Photos
ALBERTA, CANADA by Chris Burka...
ALBERTA, CANADA by Chris Burkard
Flying high above the jagged peaks of the Alberta Rockies. Formed and cut by the giant glaciers surrounding them. www.chrisburkard.com
Chris Burkard: Photos