Cloud Piercer by Dylan Toh &am...
Cloud Piercer by Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim
Second Valley
South Australia This was taken a couple of weekends ago down at Second Valley during a dawn that I thought would never happen because I looked up the wrong information ! Somehow I had looked up the wrong date which stated sunrise to be at 655 when in actual fact it was due at 705am. So by 7am when no light was happening through thick cloud, I had actually started to pack up. But then when the sunrise actually started to happen, it happened in a rush ! Fortunately the tripod was still in position but I didn’t like the composition the light gave me anyway and moved . I’ve also been having a blast taking short and long exposure images of the same scene and most of the time, I’m preferring the simplicity of the long exposure but at least I have the shorter exposures for when my mind changes in the future. Also, I am now an official Nisi Australia ambassador , so if you are interested in their filters and live in Australia, drop us an email . I may be able to help you take the edge off the price of the filters 🙂 [Essential Field Guide Ebook]
[Video Tutorials]
Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim: Photos
Simple Joy by Adrian C. Murray
Simple Joy by Adrian C. Murray
Adrian C. Murray: Photos
Just a hidden fairy library by...
Just a hidden fairy library by John Wilhelm is a photoholic
John Wilhelm is a photoholic: Photos
Luisa iconic portrait by Fabri...
Luisa iconic portrait by Fabrice Meuwissen
one more of my H&M very used portrait series.
Fabrice Meuwissen: Photos
Blooming Tuscany by Daniel Řeř...
Blooming Tuscany by Daniel Řeřicha I N S T A G R A M | F A C E B O O K
Daniel Řeřicha: Photos
Best place to enjoy the weeken...
Best place to enjoy the weekend. by Johannes Hulsch
Processed with VSCO with e6 preset
Johannes Hulsch: Photos
Boathouse with a view by Merli...
Boathouse with a view by Merlin Kafka
It’s just a boathouse, but imagine waking up to this view every day…
More on Instagram
Merlin Kafka: Photos
Branches by David Naman
Branches by David Naman
David Naman: Photos
martin strauss photography ann...
martin strauss photography ann sophie by Martin Strauss
Ann Sophie
FFM thats a hottie-sexy-bitch 😀
Martin Strauss: Photos
…bled XLVIII… by r...
…bled XLVIII… by roblfc1892 roberto pavic
winter at bled… All images are © copyright roblfc1892 – roberto pavic. You may NOT use, replicate, manipulate, or modify this image. roblfc1892 – roberto pavic © All Rights Reserved
roblfc1892 roberto pavic: Photos
How moody on a scale from 1-10...
How moody on a scale from 1-10? by Oscar Nilsson
Oscar Nilsson: Photos
Calista by Lisa Holloway
Calista by Lisa Holloway
My beautiful girl is officially a senior this week – where on earth has the time gone? Thus begins a year’s worth of senior pictures, you’ve been warned. 😉 To see more of my work, please visit my website.
Lisa Holloway: Photos