Red-Hot by Patrick Marson Ong
Red-Hot by Patrick Marson Ong
When all you need is that perfect light.
I had to go back to this photo and apply some new stuff that I learned over the years. Well that’s how you know if Iv’e improved or not.  Amazingly I was able to properly learn the basics of landscape photography from the right people. Or else i wont have images like these to go back and experiment from. This was one of the most striking sunsets I have ever seen in my home country. With no suitable composition up top, i had to climb down that cliff and hope that no freak wave would come and sweep me off. Scary but worth it. Taken in Batangas, Philippines. Visit my website at:
Patrick Marson Ong: Photos
//ENOYINGREPEAT!! by Gaute Hat...
//ENOYINGREPEAT!! by Gaute Hatlem
Gaute Hatlem: Photos
Fog & Clouds by Kilian Sch...
Fog & Clouds by Kilian Schönberger
@kilianschoenberger I N S T A G R A M L A N D S C A P E P H O T O G R A P H Y facebook
Kilian Schönberger: Photos
Frozen Torpedo by Christian Li...
Frozen Torpedo by Christian Lim
a great sunset alone at the end of the cue… best spot of the night… lone ice with good color and a swirl of water…experience it:
Christian Lim: Photos
Subtle Secrets by Timothy Poul...
Subtle Secrets by Timothy Poulton
Subtle Secrets Glaciers are among the most impressive of Mother Nature’s creations, flowing down valleys like mighty rivers. Different to most locations where you get changes in seasons and light, at the mouth of a glacier and the lakes and rivers they end up in is the ever changing ice that breaks off throughout the year. In winter Hooker Lake freezes and these car size chunks of ice get frozen in place and if you’re game enough, make an interesting foreground feature.
Timothy Poulton: Photos
Mysterious forest by RE~gi~NA
Mysterious forest by RE~gi~NA
Thanks for visiting my profile 🙂
RE~gi~NA: Photos
She is my dream by Miki Macove...
She is my dream by Miki Macovei
Model: Venkara | Available light | © Miki Macovei 2016 If you like my work, you are welcome to check my other sites, too.
Workshop news for 2016 on my website The outstanding Venkara.
Check out her model site: Facebook
Miki Macovei: Photos
Ripples by Johannes Hulsch
Ripples by Johannes Hulsch
Johannes Hulsch: Photos
Mesaburst by Greg Boratyn
Mesaburst by Greg Boratyn
This arch has been “shot to death”, and it’s nothing new. Still, I’ve got an opportunity to see/photograph it recently, and I sure took advantage of it. Here is my version of the place.
See more of my work: My Website | Facebook | Instagram
Greg Boratyn: Photos
RZA Partners With Atari for Ne...
The Wu-Tang Clan rapper/producer, actor and video game fanatic will be recording an album inspired by the sounds of Atari game music.
Marina Nights by Mohamed Raouf
Marina Nights by Mohamed Raouf
re-uploading one of my old photos, after doing some digital enhancing. I hope you like this version.
Mohamed Raouf: Photos
Music Review: The rescue of Eg...
Eggs Over Easy, “Good ‘n’ Cheap: The Eggs Over Easy Story” (Yep Roc Records)