US music business in rare grow...
The US music industry Tuesday posted its strongest growth in more than a decade in the first six months as streaming subscriptions doubled, but weakness reigned in other formats. Consumers in the world's biggest music market had 18.3 million subscriptions to paid services such as Spotify, Apple Music and Tidal in the first half of 2016, compared with 9.1 million in the same period a year earlier, the Recording Industry Association of America said. The revenue from paid subscriptions also more than doubled to just over $1 billion.
Fortress of the Fog by Marc Ad...
Fortress of the Fog by Marc Adamus
Normally I don’t shoot mountains that are almost entirely in shadow, but they mysterious qualities through the light of this image is exactly why I did here. Thanks for any thoughts. Thoughts upon posting this image: ACK! Compression. Damn the compression on this site. No idea really why it affects some images more than others either…. grumble.
Marc Adamus: Photos
Galaxy on Fire by panagiotis l...
The Curve by Herman van den Be...
The Curve by Herman van den Berge
A wonderful evening at Houten. Dutch architecture at it’s best…..Re-edit of this version (sky and water) and deleted the old version of course. I hope you’ll enjoy 🙂 Facebook :
Instagram :
Herman van den Berge: Photos
Morning Has Broken II by Ole H...
Morning Has Broken II by Ole Henrik Skjelstad
The first one I shot that morning I met Timothy Poulton and Christian Hoiberg at the lake for a sunrise. Single exposure shot with a Nisi cpl. Photoshop tutorials: and
Ole Henrik Skjelstad: Photos
The Voyage by Alessandro Di Ci...
The Voyage by Alessandro Di Cicco
For 48 hours only a super discount! get ”ALL THE SHOP” worth the price of 2800 euro, at only 70 euro! USE CODE:: 500px80
Alessandro Di Cicco: Photos
Wanaka tree by 美熹/Mei Xi
Know Hope by William Patino
Know Hope by William Patino
I remember having a rough day when I captured this back in 2013. I headed down to the sea in the afternoon just to clear my head and go for a walk. I took my camera along and really wasn’t expecting much to happen. I’d never been to or seen this rock shelf shot before and by luck just spotted these cascades far off in the distance from the beach I was on. As I began to make my way over, the sky began to transform with some rich storm light, topped off by a small rainbow appearing on the horizon. I ran as fast as I could to get to this position, narrowly avoiding a few slips along the way. I finally set up right here in the presence of the mighty ocean. The sound of the waves breaking with the light glowing all around me completely cleansed my mind and soul. It was an exhilarating and humbling experience as is often the case with shooting seascapes. I’m forever grateful for the way photography has led me to see and experience the natural world so differently, something I too easily took for granted for many years.
William Patino: Photos
Melissa by Lods Franck
Melissa by Lods Franck
Video tutorials are available on my website:
Contact me for live lessons: Step by step follow a detailed and comprehensive retouch with Lightroom and Photoshop. You know all about the composition, the balance of light, color management and skin retouching. Model : Mélissa Zeller
Lods Franck: Photos
Picturesque by Kilian Schönber...
Picturesque by Kilian Schönberger
Foggy Sunrise
@kilianschoenberger I N S T A G R A M L A N D S C A P E P H O T O G R A P H Y facebook
Kilian Schönberger: Photos
The Call from the Lost World b...
A Summer Morning in Reine by D...
A Summer Morning in Reine by Daniel
FACEBOOK Many techniques used on this image are demonstrated in my recently released set of videos. Just check out my website for more information.
Daniel: Photos