The Golden Mountain by Daniel ...

From: Photos

The Golden Mountain by Daniel F.

FACEBOOK Many techniques used on this image are demonstrated in my brand new set of videos. Just check out my website for more information.
____ Viele der hier angewandten Techniken werden sehr ausführlich in meinen aktuellen Video Tutorials demonstriert. Mehr Infos dazu findet Ihr auf meiner Website.

Daniel F.: Photos

The Golden Mountain by Daniel F. POST PROCESSING BILDBEARBEITUNG WEBSITE FACEBOOK Many techniques used on this image are demonstrated in my brand new set of videos. Just check out my website for more information. ____...

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Opera by superchinois801 TRANG...

From: Photos

Opera by superchinois801 TRANG Gerard

superchinois801 TRANG Gerard: Photos

Opera by superchinois801 TRANG Gerard superchinois801 TRANG Gerard: Photos

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frozen saskatchewan river. nor...

From: Photos

frozen saskatchewan river. nordegg. alberta. by Tanner Wendell Stewart

Processed with VSCO with s3 preset

Tanner Wendell Stewart: Photos

frozen saskatchewan river. nordegg. alberta. by Tanner Wendell Stewart Processed with VSCO with s3 preset Tanner Wendell Stewart: Photos

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Dubai mirror by Manjik photogr...

From: Photos

Dubai mirror by Manjik photography

Feel free to follow me on :
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Manjik photography: Photos

Dubai mirror by Manjik photography Feel free to follow me on : Facebook Flickr Instagram Twitter Manjik photography: Photos

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The Observer by James Xiang

From: Photos

The Observer by James Xiang

I’m not sure why but every time I look at this photo, the rocks always remind me of an observer sitting next to the raging sea. I wish I could do the same.

James Xiang: Photos

The Observer by James Xiang I’m not sure why but every time I look at this photo, the rocks always remind me of an observer sitting next to the raging sea. I wish I could do the same. James Xiang: Photos

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Music Review: Delbert McClinto...

From: Music

This cover image released by Hot Shot Records/Thirty Tigers shows "Prick of the Litter," the latest release by Delbert McClinton and Self-Made Men. (Hot Shot Records/Thirty Tigers via AP)Delbert McClinton and Self-Made Men, "Prick of the Litter" (Hot Shot Records/Thirty Tigers)

Delbert McClinton and Self-Made Men, "Prick of the Litter" (Hot Shot Records/Thirty Tigers)

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Vikings Theme Music Composer D...

From: Music

Vikings Theme Music Composer Demonstrates InstrumentsEinar Selvik is a Norwegian musician who leads the project Wardruna, which creates modern folk music using ancient Nordic spiritual concepts and instruments. He's also, along with Trevor Morris, a composer for the History series Vikings , which explores similar themes of Old Norse history and spirituality. Selvik has even appeared on the show performing his compositions, which add authenticity and historical context to the series. Selvik stopped by the office to show off some of the instruments he uses for Vikings : the bukkehorn, the tagelharpa and the lyre. The bukkehorn is a horn in both senses of the word — a musical instrument made from the horn of a goat — that creates a mournful sound perfect for funeral scenes. The tagelharpa is the oldest Scandinavian bowed instrument. It's a primitive, challenging instrument with three horsehair strings, but Selvik makes it sing. The lyre is a small harp that Selvik frequently uses for the score and has played on-screen. Check out the video to see how all of them come together to create Vikings ' haunting theme music. For more of Selvik's music, check out Wardruna on iTunes. Vikings airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on History.

Einar Selvik is a Norwegian musician who leads the project Wardruna, which creates modern folk music using ancient Nordic spiritual concepts and instruments. He's also, along with Trevor Morris, a composer for the History...

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Interlaken roads. by Johannes ...

From: Photos

Interlaken roads. by Johannes Hulsch Johannes Hulsch: Photos

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Forgotten Friends by The Narra...

From: Photos

Forgotten Friends by The Narratographer

There is no more perfect place to spend an hour in beautiful, uninterrupted loneliness. There is something about Corfe that makes you feel like the only person in the world. To stand at the top of West Hill, watching the world give birth to a brand new sun, is one of life’s rare timeless moments. All is quiet, all is at peace. For once, the world is how it was always meant to be. It is unsurprising that at times like these, the mind is flooded with a thousand almost forgotten memories. You remember who would have been stood besides you, on this frosty hill, in the misty alcoves of your yesterdays. It is only when gazing down upon something in complete and utter silence that you remember all you have lost and all you will never have again. My father, my uncle, my friend. He was my best friend, for more years than he wasn’t. If this moment was captured a few years ago, he would have been stood besides me, smoking a roll-up and constantly asking when we were going for a cup of warm coffee. We went everywhere together. We met nearly 30 years ago, sitting besides each other on a rollercoaster in Germany. We had been on a school trip together and the seat next to me at the front was the only one available. By the time we had gotten off of that ride, we were the best of friends. From that moment on, we were inseparable. When I first got into photography, some 7 years ago, he followed me all across Europe as I took images in Paris, Bruges, Amsterdam and Carcassonne. We drank coffee outside Parisian cafes and sipped wine in the foothills of Bordeaux. We sat next to each other on empty trains and shared laughter that was meant only for us. We would speak daily on the phone, planning our next trip and talking about the big things and the little things. We both knew that one day, many years from then, we would be sat on a park bench somewhere, spending all day talking about the 70 years that had preceded us. We were the closest of friends and we were going to be that forever. That was until 3 years ago. He had fallen in love with a wealthy Canadian woman that he met online and hot-footed it across the ocean to live with her, without so much as a last goodbye. By all accounts, he is now married and has a son. I will never again underestimate the amount a person can change when they run out of hope. I haven’t seen or heard from him since. It is harder to grieve for something that isn’t dead. Death brings with it a closure that heartbreak sorely lacks. I have lost people to death before and have managed to eventually move on from it. But how can you ever move on from something that isn’t dead? So he died that day, and so did part of me. Goodbye, my forgotten brother; I hope you are happy. Somehow the world is less colourful without you. My writing of late has been introspective and thoughtful, as I desperately try to find beauty in a world with one eye closed. My images and words are dark and shadowy. I guess I just miss my friend.

The Narratographer: Photos

Forgotten Friends by The Narratographer There is no more perfect place to spend an hour in beautiful, uninterrupted loneliness. There is something about Corfe that makes you feel like the only person in the world. To...

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Soundtrack to golf: Music play...

From: Music

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Looking relaxed in his black shorts and ankle-length socks, Thongchai Jaidee took aim at the range and hit a shot into the cloudless sky to the backdrop of “The Zephyr Song” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Looking relaxed in his black shorts and ankle-length socks, Thongchai Jaidee took aim at the range and hit a shot into the cloudless sky to the backdrop of “The Zephyr Song”...

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Mountains of the Mind by Natha...

From: Photos

Mountains of the Mind by Nathaniel Merz

Some imaginary mountains I shot this past weekend at a popular coastal park in South Korea. You can almost imagine some hikers climbing up one of the ridges. Obviously quite similar as the last shot, but I thought it was interesting the difference with and without the bird for scale.

Nathaniel Merz: Photos

Mountains of the Mind by Nathaniel Merz Some imaginary mountains I shot this past weekend at a popular coastal park in South Korea. You can almost imagine some hikers climbing up one of the ridges. Obviously quite similar...

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For Giichi by Dylan Toh & ...

From: Photos

For Giichi by Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim

Sunwapta Falls
Alberta On a gloomy dreary evening, I wasn’t expecting to shoot much after the drive down from Jasper. Some eerie light did eventuate however and the ND filters simplified the otherwise pretty random sky. People sometimes ask me why I like long exposures so much. It’s mainly because I like images to have a ‘clean’ feel about them where areas such as the rock and forest can contrast with smooth areas such as the sky and to a lesser degree, the water in this image. As for the title, that’s strictly for fans on the Japanese Manga series ‘Blade of the Immortal’ which came to and end in recent years after many years of epicness! See you all in a couple of weeks – I still have parts of Canada to share but it’s off to Tasmania on Friday 🙂

Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim: Photos

For Giichi by Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim Sunwapta Falls Alberta On a gloomy dreary evening, I wasn’t expecting to shoot much after the drive down from Jasper. Some eerie light did eventuate however and the ND...

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