Devil’s bridge by Sabine...

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Devil’s bridge by Sabine Wagner

Many thanks for viewing, comments and likes like a fairy tale, the Rakotzbridge integrated into the landscape by Rhododendronpark Kromlau – wie im Märchen integriert sich die Rakotzbrücke in die Landschaft vom Rhododendronprk Kromlau Hier ein Link Weniger sehen

Sabine Wagner: Photos

Devil’s bridge by Sabine Wagner Many thanks for viewing, comments and likes like a fairy tale, the Rakotzbridge integrated into the landscape by Rhododendronpark Kromlau – wie im Märchen integriert sich...

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A Massive Glimpse of Lofoten b...

From: Photos

A Massive Glimpse of Lofoten by Ramunas K Fishermang

On my recent trip to Lofoten I also met my friend Ron Jansen, check out his gallery if you like natural and atmospheric landscapes, and he has also got some killer scenery photos from this place. He also gave me some feedback on processing this little piece. There is something special about sharing a passion for nature, weather and light with a like minded photographer. Before my trip I tried to filter out most of Lofoten photography to savor it and to give myself a chance to discover new compositions. I found this one when climbing one of the taller hills in the area, but of course I was not the only one: the day after when the light was promising and I came back, there were already three guys with tripods standing in the same spot. Turns out it’s one of the more popular spots in Reine area for those who aren’t lazy to do a little uphill climb. The light quickly faded and turned dark grey after this, but luckily I found some ghostly white and purple clouds in the other direction facing the ocean. Here I used a 2-stop graduated ND filter and a circular polarizer to remove the reflections from water to bring out the greens. Processing involved a handful of adjustments in light and white balance in selected areas through luminosity masks. Most of the time I spent looking at it and thinking about it, as I actually am not used to working with massive landscapes like this. Cheers!

Ramunas K Fishermang: Photos

A Massive Glimpse of Lofoten by Ramunas K Fishermang On my recent trip to Lofoten I also met my friend Ron Jansen, check out his gallery if you like natural and atmospheric landscapes, and he has also got some killer...

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Giau from behind by MythLands

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Giau from behind by MythLands

Afternoon with mythlands team full of fun!!

MythLands: Photos

Giau from behind by MythLands Afternoon with mythlands team full of fun!! MythLands: Photos

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The Most Precious Gold by vide...

From: Photos

The Most Precious Gold by videophotoart com videophotoart com: Photos

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The Alluring Vastness by Lizzy...

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The Alluring Vastness by Lizzy Gadd

Once upon a time (back in October), we got trapped in the highlands of Iceland for a few days after crossing a raging river for a quick “day-trip” that was too treacherous to cross back over. We took up the kind hospitality of Volcano Huts Þórsmörk, hiding indoors from the cold rainstorms and consuming endless cups of coffee and cake to keep ourselves sane. On the second day we braved the weather for a climb up the mountain and ended up getting treated to one of the best views I’ve ever seen, hundreds of streams and rivers all intertwining and flowing together through the valley. The wind blew rain and snow and hail all around us, often concealing our view but then opening up to reveal more layers of mountains in the distance. Feeling the icy wind on my skin and seeing an awe-inspiring view always makes me feel so alive in the most thrilling way. Sometimes the best part of trips going wrong is the new opportunities they may bring you… I’d happily get stranded in these highlands any day. 🙂 (Big thanks to Stefnir of Midgard Adventure for coming to our rescue in the end!)

Lizzy Gadd: Photos

The Alluring Vastness by Lizzy Gadd Once upon a time (back in October), we got trapped in the highlands of Iceland for a few days after crossing a raging river for a quick “day-trip” that was too treacherous...

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The Coming Sands by Marc Adamu...

From: Photos

The Coming Sands by Marc Adamus

Please view on black. Or my website. Thanks to climate change, desertification and dunes have been happening at an increasing rate across much of the Great Basin and California the last two decades. These are ‘new’ sand dunes, and this is just the start of the show. Good for photographers, bad for….well, anything else currently living here. This place, which you have almost certainly not seen photographed, contains a forest of literally thousands of Joshua Trees spread out over many square miles which are being consumed by highly rippled sand dunes, some now even 50 or 100ft high. I have spent many miles on foot exploring the possibilities here, and yes, you also can take the journey here with me on any of my new Southwest trips… as long as you are sworn to secrecy, haha 😉 It is actually only about 1 hour from the nearest road…. In this simple sunset image with classic foreground lines the biggest challenge was flaring and dynamic range. I used multiple exposures to accomplish this and some complex blending around the sun area. Otherwise this is pretty much what it looked like, the composition anyway. Thanks for any comments.

Marc Adamus: Photos

The Coming Sands by Marc Adamus Please view on black. Or my website. Thanks to climate change, desertification and dunes have been happening at an increasing rate across much of the Great Basin and California the last...

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Day & Night by Adnan Bubal...

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Day & Night by Adnan Bubalo

Lofoten, Norway

Adnan Bubalo: Photos

Day & Night by Adnan Bubalo Lofoten, Norway Adnan Bubalo: Photos

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Dream state by Dylan Toh &...

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Dream state by Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim

Victor Harbor
South Australia 2017 began with this shoot – I didn’t really have any resolutions apart from simplifying my approach to life in general and that includes photography. If I like a scene, I’ll shoot it regardless of what others might think. Afterward though, I’ll still hope you all enjoy it 🙂 (ps a couple of minor headlands were cloned out on each side of the horizon for those who know the spot!)

Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim: Photos

Dream state by Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim Victor Harbor South Australia 2017 began with this shoot – I didn’t really have any resolutions apart from simplifying my approach to life in general and that includes...

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Le petit champignon rouge by A...

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Le petit champignon rouge by Andre Villeneuve Andre Villeneuve: Photos

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écume au soleil by Agnès Perro...

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écume au soleil by Agnès Perrodon Agnès Perrodon: Photos

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Blue by Anssi karilahti

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Blue by Anssi karilahti

Anssi karilahti: Photos

Blue by Anssi karilahti Anssi karilahti: Photos

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Комарово by Marat Safin...

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Комарово by Marat Safin

Я на других ресурсах:
Flickr | VK | Facebook | Instagram

Marat Safin: Photos

Комарово by Marat Safin Я на других ресурсах: Flickr | VK | Facebook | Instagram Marat Safin: Photos

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