Reflections of Rotterdam II by...
Reflections of Rotterdam II by Herman van den Berge
Typical view of modern architecture found in my place of birth Rotterdam. Because of the massive and destructive bombardments during WW II Rotterdam had to be built up from scratch after the war. That’s also the reason of the totally different look between Amsterdam (that got saved during WW II) and Rotterdam. Best viewed on black (click image or press “M”)
Herman van den Berge: Photos
washburn point. yosemite natio...
washburn point. yosemite national park. california by Tanner Wendell Stewart
Processed with VSCO with s2 preset
Tanner Wendell Stewart: Photos
Life on the road. by Berty Man...
Life on the road. by Berty Mandagie
Berty Mandagie: Photos
Moonrise by Daniel Kordan
Moonrise by Daniel Kordan
Moonrise. Probably the most enchanting moment of the night. You could still see the milky way and already catch the “moonburst”. I lit up this tree from right side to add a bit of volume to the tree.
Join next year workshop in Patagonia at
Daniel Kordan: Photos
Pin-Up Girl Olga by Sean Arche...
Pin-Up Girl Olga by Sean Archer
Personal online lessons and video tutorials – My own method. I dont use frequency separation, masks, curves and any complicated methods at all. It’s really simple and very fast. 15 minutes of work, and result is good enough for covers!
Sean Archer: Photos
Love Is All You Need… by...
Love Is All You Need… by The Narratographer
So as promised, I returned to Lulworth Cove the following afternoon, but to find the car park jammed with as many cars as I have ever seen. The place was heaving, like I have never seen it before. Waiting for my friend to eventually turn up, I waited in the car and watched the throngs of tourists mill around, shouting at their kids and arguing with their partners. I hoped that as sunset approached, these people would slowly start to leave. Thankfully, they did.
But the time I arrived, the place was still busy and we decided to shelter from the crowds in the local pub. The sky was a little insipid and lacked anything in the way of colour, with white light hovering over the cove. We were certain that once again, this visit was not going to pay off. Eventually, after something to eat, we checked our watches and decided to make the long walk around the cove and up the massive hill. And trust me, this is a hard walk. Firstly, you have to trudge your way around the waters edge, sinking into shingle and pebbles with every step. By the time we reached the foot of the staircase up the hill, the sky was still without a story. Then we read the sign. “No access due to landslide.” Dorset is always suffering landslides and we didn’t pay it any further noticed as we climbed over the sign attached to the bench and made our way up the never-ending steps. By the time we reached our position, way up above Lulworth Cove, the sky was in fact starting to come alive. There really is only one composition from up there and I angled myself where I could just about pick up the entire cove and the little bit of colour being squeezed out of the dying sun in the corner of the frame. For the briefest of moments, it turned blood orange and I shouted for my friend to make his way down the hill to join me. Slipping and sliding, he eventually made it down to where I was and set up for a shot next to me. This is my result. *********
The Narratographer: Photos
To see or not to see by Lars v...
To see or not to see by Lars van de Goor
Happy weekend!
Best Seen on Black, hit the M
Lars van de Goor: Photos
Fishs and birds by Andre Ville...
Fishs and birds by Andre Villeneuve
Andre Villeneuve: Photos
A Norwegian Postcard by Daniel...
A Norwegian Postcard by Daniel F.
INSTAGRAM Many techniques used on this image are demonstrated in my set of in depth tutorials. Just check out my website for more information.
____ Viele der hier angewandten Techniken werden sehr ausführlich in meinen aktuellen Video Tutorials demonstriert. Mehr Infos dazu findet Ihr auf meiner Website.
Daniel F.: Photos
Cluster by Dylan Toh & Mar...
Cluster by Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim
Simple one from Encounter Bay tonight. A single image shot taken with the Laowa 12mm, and custom Nisi holder and 4 stop GND during some grand morning light and low tide.
Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim: Photos
Lost In Your Soul by videophot...
Lost In Your Soul by videophotoart com
videophotoart com: Photos
In Joy and Sorrow by Kristina ...
In Joy and Sorrow by Kristina Kazarina
More ===>
Kristina Kazarina: Photos