Reine Summer Evening by Daniel...
Reine Summer Evening by Daniel F.
INSTAGRAM Many techniques used on this image are demonstrated in my set of in depth tutorials. Just check out my website for more information.
____ Viele der hier angewandten Techniken werden sehr ausführlich in meinen aktuellen Video Tutorials demonstriert. Mehr Infos dazu findet Ihr auf meiner Website.
Daniel F.: Photos
I Am What I Am by The Narratog...
I Am What I Am by The Narratographer
As people go through life, they accumulate pain. Like anything that has its own energy, it needs an outlet. So they look for somewhere, someone, who can take it off of them. They spend the next few days, weeks, months, trying to pass their pain onto you. They don’t know they are doing it, but that is what happens. Problem is, pain is like any virus. When you give it so someone else, it is not taken from you. Instead of passing the problem on, you are simply letting it breed. To take on someone else’s pain is a brave thing to do. There are some of us in this world that look to help people, even at the detriment of our own well-being. We believe in people, even if we have grown to not like them very much and we can see through their ego to the wonderful person they surely are inside. We try to be good, we try to give where we can and that is what makes us perfect candidates to take on the pain of others. It is a bit like having a low emotional immune system, always catching the cold when a sick person walks past. Problem is, the thing that you do not realise, is that as each day passes, your self-esteem is slowly packing its bags and getting ready to leave. One day, it will be gone and at that point, you will realise that you need the person who has done this to you. You think to yourself that because you have been so giving, because you spent so much time trying to help them with their pain that surely they will be able to see that and they will once again bring you back to the person you were. But it doesn’t work like that. The die has already been cast and the way it has always been is the way it must always be. You are the giver, the fixer; you are in breech of the relationship agreement should you need anything in return. Of course, this is not their fault – they are simply not designed to be rescuers and to them. To them, they feel that they have simply worked out that you were simply not the person they thought you were. You are simultaneously guilty and innocent, and you have two choices. You can either keep going, with what little strength you have or you can back away in the knowledge that this was your last ever heartbreak. Either way, you are not the same person. You feel a pain that was never yours and you trust in life a little less than you did before. You realise that all of a sudden, it feels like the world doesn’t want you anymore. Everything feels out of place, like it isn’t really here. We touch but we can’t feel, we look but we don’t see. You are still you, but a much lesser version. I am what I am because of how much I loved you.
The Narratographer: Photos
Kseniya (@psyksy) by Георгий Ч...
Kseniya (@psyksy) by Георгий Чернядьев (Georgy Chernyadyev)
Paid lessons retouching. Live and video tutorials my retouching techniques and toning in Photoshop and Lightroom
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Георгий Чернядьев (Georgy Chernyadyev): Photos
Silky Soul by Timothy Poulton
Silky Soul by Timothy Poulton
The most overused word in photography is “awesome.” My yearly winter Pilgrimage to Mt Cook New Zealand is always top of my list of places to visit around the world and is full of awesome spots to photograph. All the mountains along the Hooker Valley radiate energy like no other and always have a life-changing effect on me. Experiencing the magic of these mountains is something every photographer should put high on the bucket list. Whether you decide on the grueling scramble to Mueller Hut or a leisurely hike to Hooker Lake you will discover what is truly awesome about this location. Check out our New Zealand Winter Workshop in 2018
Timothy Poulton: Photos
Thunderstorm by Pascal Schirme...
Thunderstorm by Pascal Schirmer
Homepage || Instagram || Facebook
Pascal Schirmer: Photos
House of Cards III by Herman v...
House of Cards III by Herman van den Berge
These are the buildings from where the Dutch politicians conduct their politics. Best viewed on black (click image or press “M”)
Herman van den Berge: Photos
***Behind the leaves*** by Joa...
***Behind the leaves*** by Joachim Bergauer
Joachim Bergauer: Photos
Atlantic pyramids by Daniel Ko...
Atlantic pyramids by Daniel Kordan
Faroe islands,
Daniel Kordan: Photos
Mariya (@mary.kudryavtseva) by...
Mariya (@mary.kudryavtseva) by Георгий Чернядьев (Georgy Chernyadyev)
Paid lessons retouching. Live and video tutorials my retouching techniques and toning in Photoshop and Lightroom
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Георгий Чернядьев (Georgy Chernyadyev): Photos
Jurassic Gorge by Janne Kahila
Jurassic Gorge by Janne Kahila
Website | Facebook | Instagram The scenic valley of Vøringsfossen in fjord Norway. I have once uploaded very similar composition of this same waterfall but this one was taken on a more clear weather and I just really liked the end result.
Janne Kahila: Photos
Dark Uttakleiv by Daniel F.
Dark Uttakleiv by Daniel F.
INSTAGRAM Many techniques used on this image are demonstrated in my set of in depth tutorials. Just check out my website for more information.
____ Viele der hier angewandten Techniken werden sehr ausführlich in meinen aktuellen Video Tutorials demonstriert. Mehr Infos dazu findet Ihr auf meiner Website.
Daniel F.: Photos
Daisies party! by Patrice Thom...
Daisies party! by Patrice Thomas
Patrice Thomas: Photos