Isoletta by Anna Ovatta

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Isoletta by Anna Ovatta

Anna Ovatta: Photos

Isoletta by Anna Ovatta Anna Ovatta: Photos

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Divine Intervention by Timothy...

From: Photos

Divine Intervention by Timothy Poulton

Captured on a private tour of the Dolomites in Italy. The Church Of St. Jacob in Ortisei is one of my favorites of this region. My first attempt at this location was a complete fail as I underestimated the climb up to the church and the clouds didn’t perform. After dropping my client in Venice, I had to drive back to Zurich and decided to stop off for another sunset and was rewarded with spectacular conditions. I’ve looked online for a better version of this image and haven’t found anything if you’ve captured this place before I’d love to see your rendition. Heading over to Japan in a couple of weeks for some insane cityscapes and the start of the Autumn colours.
Heading over to Japan in a couple of weeks for some insane cityscapes and the start of the Autumn colours.

Timothy Poulton: Photos

Divine Intervention by Timothy Poulton Captured on a private tour of the Dolomites in Italy. The Church Of St. Jacob in Ortisei is one of my favorites of this region. My first attempt at this location was a complete...

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~ M2L~ by David Gomes

From: Photos

~ M2L~ by David Gomes

Hi everyone!
I hope that everything is going well with you.
This to share with you this fantastic morning moment where I converged the lights with lines (M2L).
Around this icon the sky is the limit.
Have a nice weekend.

David Gomes: Photos

~ M2L~ by David Gomes Hi everyone! I hope that everything is going well with you. This to share with you this fantastic morning moment where I converged the lights with lines (M2L). Around this icon the sky is the limit. Have...

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Lantern fishing by Daniel Metz

From: Photos

Lantern fishing by Daniel Metz

this mountain range is one of the most beautiful that borders the li river 6 km north of a small village named Xingping

Daniel Metz: Photos

Lantern fishing by Daniel Metz this mountain range is one of the most beautiful that borders the li river 6 km north of a small village named Xingping Daniel Metz: Photos

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Lair of the Dark Knight by Pet...

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Lair of the Dark Knight by Peter Stewart

Reflections in still water inside the Reed Flute Cave, Guilin, China.
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Peter Stewart: Photos

Lair of the Dark Knight by Peter Stewart Reflections in still water inside the Reed Flute Cave, Guilin, China. Follow my latest updates on: Facebook | Flickr | Instagram | Twitter ...

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Luck by Herman van den Berge

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Luck by Herman van den Berge

I think we all remember the special moments we’ve experienced but also the days when all odds seemed to be against us when shooting out in the field. That week I went out 3 times but the first 2 trips were a complete disaster. The first time that week I got stuck in the mud with my car and it was raining so hard that I was completely soaked wet. Disillusioned and without taking a single shot I went home that evening after some local helped me pulling my car out of the mud. The second time I went out things did look a lot better, a beautiful sky with sheep clouds with just enough room for the sun to shine through. However after I arrived everything that was so beautiful before turned into a hopeless case. The clouds thickened and I was left with a monotone thick grey sky at the start of my beloved golden hour. Bah……. I just should have stayed at home I mumbled in myself and after taking some photos I already knew that they were not even worth looking at. Two days later I went to Maassluis with a slight confidence problem and I didn’t expect anything good after what happened in the last 2 trips. A blue sky, no clouds that evening like the weather forecast predicted. However after I arrived I was surprised to see some small clouds appearing in the sky and just when golden hour started more and more small clouds appeared right above the beautiful harbor. The next 15 minutes I was looking at an explosion of colors from blue, pink and orange. I really don’t know if there’s something or someone out there in heaven but if so he/she/it certainly knows how to organize a paintbal party ! I couldn’t have asked for more than this and on top of that the windspeed dropped down to a level that was almost non existant giving me wonderful reflections aswell. Holy moly, I was lucky today ! The morale of this story is that to fully enjoy the “highs” you’ve got to experience all the “lows”. Without any expectation I witnissed an unforgettable sunset and had a blast of an evening. Best viewed on black (click image or press “M”)

Herman van den Berge: Photos

Luck by Herman van den Berge I think we all remember the special moments we’ve experienced but also the days when all odds seemed to be against us when shooting out in the field. That week I went out 3 times but...

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Cheer up by Vicente Concha

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Cheer up by Vicente Concha

Parade Ibi ( Alacant/Alicante – España/Spain ) 2016

Vicente Concha: Photos

Cheer up by Vicente Concha Parade Ibi ( Alacant/Alicante – España/Spain ) 2016 Vicente Concha: Photos

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autumn larches. lake o’hara. b...

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autumn larches. lake o’hara. bc. The opabin plateau, what a place!!! by Tanner Wendell Stewart

Processed with VSCO with m5 preset

Tanner Wendell Stewart: Photos

autumn larches. lake o’hara. bc. The opabin plateau, what a place!!! by Tanner Wendell Stewart Processed with VSCO with m5 preset Tanner Wendell Stewart: Photos

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Vernazza – First Light I...

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Vernazza – First Light II by Simon W Xu

Fixed horizon and other improvements
Arriving too late for the sunset the night before, I was completely unfamilar with the area. The next day, I decided to walked up the trail in the dark before the sun rise searching for the right spot for a nice view. Finally I found this one vintage point over looking the sleeping village below. After took one picture, however, the lights in the village were completely turned off… Well, at least I got one. BTW, I stayed at the green house right behind the tower…Didn’t got much sleep that night though. It is kind of magic to capture the first light of the day and last light of the night.

Simon W Xu: Photos

Vernazza – First Light II by Simon W Xu Fixed horizon and other improvements 意大利五渔村日出前的寂静。。。 Arriving too late for the sunset the night before, I was completely unfamilar with the...

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Time travellers by Timothy Pou...

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Time travellers by Timothy Poulton

Timothy Poulton: Photos

Time travellers by Timothy Poulton Timothy Poulton: Photos

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Morning by Jonathan Giovannini

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Morning by Jonathan Giovannini

Foggy morning “Belvedere”

Jonathan Giovannini: Photos

Morning by Jonathan Giovannini Foggy morning “Belvedere” Jonathan Giovannini: Photos

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Enchantement matinal by Agnès ...

From: Photos

Enchantement matinal by Agnès Perrodon Agnès Perrodon: Photos

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