***The Garden*** by Joachim Be...
***The Garden*** by Joachim Bergauer
Joachim Bergauer: Photos
Season’s End by Doug She...
Season’s End by Doug Shearer
A very hot, dry and smoky summer is coming to an end. Bring on autumn. Have a wonderful day! Mount Rainier wildflowers
Doug Shearer: Photos
Camaret-sur-Mer by Georg Schar...
Camaret-sur-Mer by Georg Scharf
Georg Scharf: Photos
Zieselchen by Georg Scharf
Zieselchen by Georg Scharf
Georg Scharf: Photos
A man and a woman sit at the e...
A man and a woman sit at the edge of the Grand Canyon at sunset minutes by William Freebillyphotography
A man and a woman sit at the edge of the Grand Canyon at sunset minutes
William Freebillyphotography: Photos
Sumner Magic by Dylan Toh &...
Sumner Magic by Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim
A beautiful dawn at Sumner Beach on our first morning of last year’s trip. For the next few years we hope to focus locally and further abroad so NZ may take a back seat for a little while!
Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim: Photos
Rotkehlchen/Robin by Sigrun Br...
Rotkehlchen/Robin by Sigrun Brüggenthies
Sigrun Brüggenthies: Photos
Blue monday by Kristina Kazari...
Blue monday by Kristina Kazarina
Kristina Kazarina: Photos
Kimberley… by Maarten Qu...
Kimberley… by Maarten Quaadvliet
Model and make-up: Kimberley Xhofleer INSTAGRAM | WEBSITE
Maarten Quaadvliet: Photos
Village Road by Mevludin Sejme...
Village Road by Mevludin Sejmenovic
Socice Village, Rogatica, Bosnia /Europe/
Mevludin Sejmenovic: Photos
Atacama Desert by Victor Lima
Atacama Desert by Victor Lima
Night in Atacama Desert.
Victor Lima: Photos
Anatomy of Melancholy by Danie...
Anatomy of Melancholy by Daniel Vorkauf
Since the dawn of existence, you mortals have feared dying, feared the unknown and the pain of it, and yet, pain is a part of life, not death. And I—I am the first moment after pain ceases,” he [Death] pronounced. “It is life that fights and struggles and rages; life, that tears at you in its last agonizing throes to hold on, even if but for one futile instant longer… Whereas I, I come softly when it is all done. Pain and death are an ordered sequence, not a parallel pair. So easy to confuse the correlations, not realizing that one does not bring the other. (Vera Nazarian)
Daniel Vorkauf: Photos