BOO by Koen Jacobs
BOO by Koen Jacobs
that’s what i said. i think.
Koen Jacobs: Photos
Krokodil by Georg Scharf
Krokodil by Georg Scharf
South Africa Zimanga
Georg Scharf: Photos
The magic world of pines by Ma...
The magic world of pines by Martin Podt
Click here if you are interested to learn my workflow.
Martin Podt: Photos
Соблазн by Georgy Chernyadyev ...
Соблазн by Georgy Chernyadyev (Portrait)
Paid retouching lessons. Live and video tutorials my retouching techniques and toning in Photoshop and Lightroom
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Georgy Chernyadyev (Portrait): Photos
Dolomiti Mornings by Tobias Hä...
Dolomiti Mornings by Tobias Hägg
In October 2019 i will be guiding a photo tour here in the grand Dolomites. If you want to attend, You can find the link to the tour here :
Tobias Hägg: Photos
The Unattainable Urge by Timot...
The Unattainable Urge by Timothy Poulton
Apparently, our urge to go after the unattainable is in our DNA. No wonder we’re always in search of greener pastures, levels of dopamine — the pleasure chemical in the brain — continue to rise the longer you must wait to fulfill your desire. So, in other words, your experience with someone is ultimately more pleasurable if you have to hold out. Wanting what you can’t have, whether it’s a luxury lifestyle or a relationship with someone, can be a no-win game. The primary problem, of course, is that you’ll likely never be satisfied. What happens when you finally strike it rich? There’s a good chance your fortune still won’t be enough. What happens when that person is suddenly attainable? Unless your passion came from a genuine place, you lose interest and move on to the next. The truth is, always yearning for someone or something is an endless cycle of torture with no fulfillment, no payoff and definitely no grand romantic ending.
Timothy Poulton: Photos
Bavarian Gothic by Kilian Schö...
Bavarian Gothic by Kilian Schönberger
@kilianschoenberger I N S T A G R A M
Kilian Schönberger: Photos
Winter fairytale by Andrew Baz...
Winter fairytale by Andrew Bazanov
Иногда кажется, что Лапландия будто большое мороженое 🍦. Гуляешь среди этих пломбирных деревьев, а потом увидишь избушку, не поверишь сначала, но зайдешь. Погреешься, чай из термоса выпьешь и подумаешь, бывают же на свете чудеса)
Осталось пару мест на тур по заполярной Лапландии: будет много снега, атмосферные домики, заиндивелые елочные-фигуры и многое другое:)
Andrew Bazanov: Photos
Swept Away by Marc Adamus
Swept Away by Marc Adamus
On an early winter trip into the Yukon this year during which I guided an international crew of 8 photographers and a filmmaker, we arrived via helicopter for the start of our week-long trek and found the lakes were swept free of snow and the ice had formed in some pretty incredible large scale patterns around the edges of the shore. Within a few days we were shooting the aurora over this frozen world, from one of our camps, and I was fortunate to witness what may have been he most intense display I’ve ever seen. Like a strobe light, the aurora so brightly flashing and so quickly that in 3 shots per second none of the exposures looked alike! Booming like fireworks and dancing across all sides of the spectrum above me, I captured it, taking hundreds of shots, and in a place I had been dreaming about since 7 years before when I was last with these mountains.
Marc Adamus: Photos
Cypress swamps mystery by Dani...
Cypress swamps mystery by Daniel Kordan
Dark corridors of cypress trees in Texas. Join my photo workshops at
Daniel Kordan: Photos
If looks could kill by Y K
If looks could kill by Y K
A black shouldered kite sitting on a high tree branch and looking for his kill. But his eyes are so fiery that they could kill without paw.
Y K: Photos
Age of Stones by Fabio Antenor...
Age of Stones by Fabio Antenore
Die umfassenden Videokurse von Fabio Antenore – ab sofort erhältlich Ich habe diesen Monat meinen lang erwarteten Videokurs veröffentlicht.
Nach fast 6 Monaten Arbeit sind endlich die ersten beiden Teile des Videokurses erhältlich.
Darin nehme ich kein Blatt vor den Mund. Ich gebe bereitwillig viele meiner Geheimnisse preis.
Mein kompletter Workflow vom Scouten und Fotografieren vor Ort bis zur Bearbeitung in Photoshop und Lightroom sind Teil des Kurses. Dazu kommen noch ausführliche Erklärungen zur verwendeten Technik und dem Equipment in zusätzlichen Videos welche dem Tutorial beiliegen. Natürlich ist auch meine Arbeit mit den Objektiven der Sigma Art Reihe teil des Kurses oder das Arbeiten mit Nisi ND-Filter.
Jedes der beiden Pakete enthält weit über 2 Stunden informatives Videomaterial. Übrigens verlose ich unter den ersten 100 Downloads beider Produkte eine kostenlose Teilnahme an einem meiner Postproduction Workshops in der Schweiz.
Fabio Antenore: Photos