Neist Point Lighthouse by Geor...
Neist Point Lighthouse by Georg Scharf
Summer 2015
Georg Scharf: Photos
Given by Daniel Vorkauf
Given by Daniel Vorkauf
The inherent mystery itself: that elusive brightness that flows out of dreams; the brightness that, when we awaken, is already fading from our minds—I still pursued it almost every morning, in spite of my many hours of tortured sleep. (Diane B. Saxton)
Daniel Vorkauf: Photos
L’oiseau en bleu by Andr...
L’oiseau en bleu by Andre Villeneuve
Andre Villeneuve: Photos
Energy by Ole Henrik Skjelstad
Energy by Ole Henrik Skjelstad
A few days later the lake was covered in ice. Ringerike, Norway.
Ole Henrik Skjelstad: Photos
The Gatekeeper by Marc Adamus
The Gatekeeper by Marc Adamus
Some of the worlds most impressive vertical walls are found in the distant of reaches of the Northwest Territories. Canada’s Mackenzie mountains offer the viewer unsurpassed solitude, aurora and autumn colors in September, and here we explored extensively via helicopters and backpacking over the course of several trips There are dozens of smaller ranges in this region of the Yukon and NWT, including the Selwyn, Werneke, Nahanni, Ogilvie and more. All have peaks hidden within them just like this giant, that have gone largely unexplored photographically and are seldom heard of outside occasional mentions among climbers. The Tombstones, in Yukon, was the first stop for me in the Far North, in 2009, and I was the first to lead photo trips there two years later. Almost a decade later, this was year one my NEXT great project exploring this part of the world, which is expected to last at least the next many autumn seasons. Trust me, this is just the beginning! This particular granite face stood up a good 1000 meters and required a 2-shot 14mm stitch to get it all in there. All shots were same location/time, no focus or other blending.
Marc Adamus: Photos
Danger Approaches by Roger Hil...
Danger Approaches by Roger Hill
Incredible supercell thunderstorm we encountered while running our tours this past June! Just east of Wichita, Kansas, in addition to being GORGEOUS, this storm was tornado warned, produced grapefruit sized hail and was VERY electrified! You can capture images like this too! Join us at . We’re booking for 2020 already!
Roger Hill: Photos
Winter Magic by Adnan Bubalo ✅...
Winter Magic by Adnan Bubalo ✅
Mountain cabin in distant area.
Adnan Bubalo ✅: Photos
First snow by Tanja Brandt
First snow by Tanja Brandt
Rüdi’s first snow….
Tanja Brandt: Photos
Bayside Afterglow by Ray Colog...
Bayside Afterglow by Ray Cologon
After sunset, the deep glow of the sky paints the wharves and vessels while glinting off the surface of the water at the bayside pier in Williamstown.
Ray Cologon: Photos
20-57:Snow tree by momo-123 ( ...
20-57:Snow tree by momo-123 ( You.Tomi. )
momo-123 ( You.Tomi. ): Photos
***The Day after the Dream*** ...
***The Day after the Dream*** by Joachim Bergauer
follow me on Instagram
Joachim Bergauer: Photos