The raptor’s rest by Eve...
The raptor’s rest by Evelyne O’Connor
Evelyne O’Connor: Photos
In The Stillness Of The Mornin...
In The Stillness Of The Morning by Marianne Clement
“The best reflections are three when the wind, the water, and you are still”
Marianne Clement: Photos
Ладога by Andrew Bazanov
Ладога by Andrew Bazanov
Andrew Bazanov: Photos
Yet another great captured mom...
Yet another great captured moment by Venelin Venelinov
Only on 90 minute hiking in the backyard of the capital Sofia, amazing place with landscape view to whole of Sofia
Venelin Venelinov: Photos
Seattle Skyline with Mount Rai...
Seattle Skyline with Mount Rainier by Perry Hoag
I just returned from beautiful Washington State and wanted to share this shot of the Seattle Skyline with a somewhat rare appearance of Mount Rainier. The Space Needle is prominent in the left-center foreground. What a glorious evening it was!
Perry Hoag: Photos
Blue Tailed Bee Eater by Arsha...
Blue Tailed Bee Eater by Arshad Ashraf
Look for a light of hope everyday you never know how will your tomorrow look like …….
Arshad Ashraf: Photos
The EYE by Y K
The EYE by Y K
A Juvenile Spotted Owl in his nest protecting himself from a Starling and keeping a close watch on him. His Eye is to be watch, the convex lens of eye the reason for spotting prey from a distance.
Y K:...
Dragon’s Lair by Ole Hen...
Dragon’s Lair by Ole Henrik Skjelstad
Romsdalen, Norway
Ole Henrik Skjelstad: Photos
SUNRISE by Nasser Osman
SUNRISE by Nasser Osman
Captured and processed
Nasser Osman: Photos
Stormy Morning in Northern Nor...
Stormy Morning in Northern Norway by Daniel Fleischhacker
Many techniques used on this image are demonstrated in my set of in depth video tutorials. Check out my website for more Information. VIDEO TUTORIALS
_________________ WEBSITE Viele der hier angewandten Techniken werden sehr ausführlich in meinen Video Tutorials demonstriert. Mehr Informationen dazu findet Ihr auf meiner Website.
Daniel Fleischhacker: Photos
Frozen Aldeyjarfoss by Iurie B...
Frozen Aldeyjarfoss by Iurie Belegurschi
Aldeyjarfoss is a beautiful waterfall located in the Icelandic Highlands. In winter, it is only accessible by super jeep, as the surrounding area is swathed in a deep cover of snow. Click here for more info on tours. Follow me on Instagram.
Iurie Belegurschi: Photos
A leaf came through my life...
A leaf came through my life… by Giacomo della Sera
A leaf came through my life….——-My Instagram After an afternoon taking pictures in the Sierra de Gredos and spending the day with the family, we decided to take a bath. We found ourselves bathing peacefully when suddenly I began to see the leaf go down and this one caught my attention deeply. The curious form that it had, that so complex structure, that color, caught my attention a lot. I ran up to where we had all the things, I took the camera as fast as I could and again I returned to the river. I analyzed the situation as quickly as I could and I realized that a few meters away was approaching a shaded area of a tree, that was the ideal place for the idea that gradually gained more strength. I prepared myself quickly in the shade and the leaf continued lowering, without hurry but without pause, just a few seconds, which allowed me to take 3 photographs, and nothing else out of the shade sank into a small waterfall, as fast as wine went, what a moment, what a gift, unrepeatable and unforgettable! 🙂 Thanks a lot, have a nice week!!! 😀 ———————————— Tras una tarde realizando fotografías y pasando el día con la familia en el río, en un momento de descanso decidimos darnos un baño. Nos encontrábamos bañándonos tranquilamente cuando de pronto comencé a ver la hoja bajar y esta llamó profundamente mi atención. La curiosa forma que tenía, esa estructura tan compleja , ese color, el como la hoja recorría el río lentamente disfrutando del bello paisaje, y en ese preciso momento supe que tenía que plasmar esa imagen como fuera. Subí corriendo a donde teníamos todo colocado, cogí la cámara lo más rápido que pude y nuevamente volví al río. Analicé la situación lo más rápido que pude y me di cuenta de que a unos metros se acercaba una zona de sombra de un árbol, ese era el lugar idóneo para la idea que poco a poco cobraba más fuerza. Me preparé rápidamente en la sombra y la hoja continuó bajando, sin prisa pero sin pausa, apenas unos segundos, que me permitieron tomar 3 fotografías, y nada más salir de la sombra se hundió en una pequeña cascada, tan rápido como vino se fué, menudo momento, que regalo, irrepetible e inolvidable !! : Muchas gracias a tod@s, que tengaís una buena semana:D
Giacomo della Sera: Photos