IMG_0213 by Andrés Cabezas Mar...
IMG_0213 by Andrés Cabezas Martínez
Andrés Cabezas Martínez: Photos
Colors of sunset by Peter Zajf...
Colors of sunset by Peter Zajfrid
Sunset in Maribor, Slovenija
Peter Zajfrid: Photos
Graceful Flight by Peter Orlic...
Graceful Flight by Peter Orlický
Peter Orlický: Photos
silence by andy dauer
silence by andy dauer
andy dauer: Photos
***Sivad*** by Joachim Bergaue...
***Sivad*** by Joachim Bergauer
Joachim Bergauer: Photos
The End. Tribute to Paul Barso...
The End. Tribute to Paul Barson by Jessica Drossin
And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make. – The Beatles, The End. A throwback to an older style for me maybe… when I let more light in and allowed for more to be lost and found. I’ve not shot in a while, overwhelmed with anxiety and grief as I lost someone who had helped me so much in my business. He was quite active here on 500px years ago, so I will give him a shout out, sweet Paul Barson. I wasn’t quite sure how I’d do it all without him. It’s been almost a month now, and I’m slowing adjusting to my new normal, but always thinking of him fondly, wishing the good didn’t have to die so young. <3
Jessica Drossin: Photos
Geese at sunrise by Roeselien ...
Geese at sunrise by Roeselien Raimond
Geese at sunrise
Roeselien Raimond: Photos
Hiking in the clouds by Tomas ...
Hiking in the clouds by Tomas Havel
Tomas Havel: Photos
Amber Tree by Marvin Diehl
Amber Tree by Marvin Diehl
Please support me on Instagram if you like this photo and my other work! 
Marvin Diehl: Photos
Good Fisherbird by Robert Didi...
Good Fisherbird by Robert Didierjean
Thanks to all for your comments and your likes!
Robert Didierjean: Photos
close-up of wet purple flower ...
close-up of wet purple flower against black background by Jean-Baptiste Meurant
Jean-Baptiste Meurant : Photos
Sunny Morning by Stefan Thaler
Sunny Morning by Stefan Thaler
Stefan Thaler: Photos