On The Edge – Levels Pac...
Mr. Freeze is trying to take control of the Gotham city. Help batman to stop this villain. Beware, Mr- Freeze has a really powerful ray that might hurt you.
Mystic Cards
Mystic Cards is a game of card collection and strategy, your goal is to collect cards to destroy your enemies. Select one side (Human or Demon) and fight your opponent in epic battles. Use the power of your monsters to...
Projector Room
You find yourself locked in a projector room and your goal is to find a way out. Search the room for items and hints and use them to escape the freakin room!
Days2Die – The Other Sid...
This is a prequel/sequel to the original D2D. Ever wonder what happened to the harbor? you’ll find the answer here! Takes place during the events of the original Days 2 Die. Now you play as Sgt. Vic Radel, a member...
Gravity Shift
Use the arrow keys to shift the direction of gravity. Earn points and destroy same color bricks by making them touch. Don’t let the central circle area get blocked!
Living Night
Arrow Puzzle
Be My Eyes
So our advance outpost detects a vast army of enemy starships that are headed right for us. Scary, I know. But anyway we had some time so we spent 9.53 GTrillion space dollars on the bestest gun there is. It is solid...