Emergent Island by Roland Mari...
Emergent Island by Roland Maria Reininger
re-edit for print of one of my all-time-favorites. i am looking forward to see it large in my living room and at my first solo exhibition soon. I offer workshops and one-to-one skype sessions with screen sharing – if you are interested please contact me – RLAND facebook & www.RLAND.cc.
Roland Maria Reininger: Photos
~Machhapuchhre Base Camp ~ by ...
~Machhapuchhre Base Camp ~ by Mohan Duwal
Machhapuchhre Base Camp (3900 meters).
Machhapuchhre “Fish Tail” in English, is a mountain in the Annapurna Mountain of north central Nepal. It is revered by the local population as particularly sacred to the god Shiva, and hence is off limits to climbing. -Wiki
Mohan Duwal: Photos
Frequency by Tula Top
Frequency by Tula Top
Click here to purchase Follow me on Facebook Slightly better view on black. Trillium Lake · Mt. Hood National Forest · Government Camp · Oregon · USA Hardwoods and evergreens reflect in the calm morning waters of Trillium Lake. Looking forward to reshooting this composition in fall color.
Tula Top: Photos
Portrait by Георгий Чернядьев...
Portrait by Георгий Чернядьев
Георгий Чернядьев: Photos
Vernazza by Haiwei Hu
Vernazza by Haiwei Hu
Beautiful town of Cinque Terre, Italy. In 2011 this lovely small town was struck by a massive flooding, but now it has fully recovered.
Haiwei Hu: Photos
young stag by Mark Bridger
young stag by Mark Bridger
Mark Bridger: Photos
Frozen Cathedral by Marsel van...
Frozen Cathedral by Marsel van Oosten
>> PLEASE VIEW ON BLACK (CLICK ON IMAGE) We’ve got a new website (www.squiver.com), and on that website are some exciting new tours. This image is from our new tour to Antarctica, one of the few remaining true wilderness areas on this planet. Not only is it a great place to photograph the super relaxed wildlife (you can get really close to penguins, seals, birds, whales), but it’s also an amazing landscape destination. One of the things we’ll do is hop on our zodiac and cruise among the icebergs. Here you see a zodiac being dwarfed by a giant ice arch. Keeping a safe distance from these immense structures is vital, as large chunks of ice break off regularly. As a result, the entire iceberg may topple over, causing huge waves. If you would like to join me on our new Antarctica tours, please check out our new website for a detailed PDF, pictures and tour impression video clips: www.squiver.com Many of our upcoming tours are already fully booked, but there are still some spaces on a few others. Hope to see you there! Marsel van Oosten | www.squiver.com ©2014 Marsel van Oosten, All Rights Reserved. This image is not available for use on websites, blogs or other media without the explicit written permission of the photographer.
Marsel van Oosten: Photos
Somewhere Over Vernazza by and...
Somewhere Over Vernazza by andrew perkins
A colorful sunset from the hiking path overlooking Vernazza in the Cinque Terre, Italy. Luckily, our train got us in town just in time to make the short walk up to this location. Monterosso can be seen in the distance.
andrew perkins: Photos
waterlily blossom by Douglas L...
waterlily blossom by Douglas Liang
waterlily blossom
Douglas Liang: Photos
Spider Man Unlimited Android W...
Spider Man Unlimited Android W...
Eternal Loneliness II by Sterg...
Eternal Loneliness II by Stergos Skulukas
New edit!!!
Stergos Skulukas: Photos