lagoon scapes by Vassilis Tang...
lagoon scapes by Vassilis Tangoulis
KAlohori, Thessaloniki, Greece Visit my : Official FB page|| Website || Instagram………
Vassilis Tangoulis: Photos
Look of love. by Andre Villene...
Look of love. by Andre Villeneuve
Sans parole.
Andre Villeneuve: Photos
Identical Twins by Dany Eid
Identical Twins by Dany Eid
Nothing like deadvlei in terms of elements & lights. a magnificent place that helps you to master your composition.
Captured with ZEISS Milvus 135mm
Dany Eid: Photos
Frozen Valley by Nathaniel Mer...
Frozen Valley by Nathaniel Merz
As usual I’ve been in a landscape rut this winter so to get out and get some winter hiking in today was really refreshing. This might have been the last real winter weekend we get here snow and frost wise so definitely glad I got out and made the most out of what we had.
Nathaniel Merz: Photos
bee eater by Murat Çalışkan
bee eater by Murat Çalışkan
Murat Çalışkan: Photos
Red Wine & Sleeping Pills ...
Red Wine & Sleeping Pills by The Narratographer
Each and every one of us has a place we are supposed to be. A place where you feel warm, loved and where sadness never reaches you. Everything is as it should be, everything is in it’s right place. You start to realise that the winds of life, however harsh and turbulent, were simply blowing you in this direction. It was always supposed to be your destination, but it is only in the moments of quiet reflection that you realise you’re home. You do everything you can to love and nurture this new place you now call home. You protect it, you hold it as close to you as you can and you squeeze it so tight, it can surely never disappear. But what if it does? You have let down your guard so much that whatever it is that you now hold inside your heart, now has the power to kill you. It is only when you allow something completely, unequivocally inside you, that it has the power to break you completely. So you build a wall. You do everything in your power to protect your new world and the feelings that come with it. But somehow, fear and insecurity finds you and they circle the towering fortress that you have built. They are armed to the teeth, with everything they need to tear you limb from limb, from heart to soul. You worry, you fret; you wonder how long it will be before they break down your defences and destroy everything you need. And they will succeed, they always do. The more one cherishes something, the more he or she is likely to lose it. From that moment on, nothing will feel the same. You will become numb to the world and the voices within it. Nothing will mean anything and you will wonder how you can ever carry on. You were fine before, but somehow they meant so much to you that they have transformed your heart into something only they have access to. They became your world, they became your life, they became your reason – but they never quite knew it. So life moves on, but you never will. You will always be a shadow of your former self, wondering why it had to happen in the first place. Why did karma decide to fire its poisonous arrow in your direction. You will amble from place to place, wondering why it had to happen to you and how you will ever force a smile ever again. Life will become internalised, with nothing more to show for it than a sea of random thoughts. You will analyse, scrutinise, beg yourself for forgiveness. At the end of the longest day, before the isolation of night, you will ever so slightly warm yourself, melting the tip of the ice in your heart. At least I gave it everything.
The Narratographer: Photos
Time and space by Efemir Art
Time and space by Efemir Art
Efemir Art: Photos
***Leading Light*** by Joachim...
***Leading Light*** by Joachim Bergauer
News ..
Bei diesem Bild zahlte sich der Aufwand aus. Es war windig und die wechselenden Wetterbedingungen erschwerten die Aufnahme. Das Team spielte hervorragend mit obwohl es für das Model und das Team nicht leicht war. Ich musste warten bis die Wolken über die Sonne zog. Erst dann war es möglich das Bild umzusetzen. Der kalte Wind sorgte dafür das das Model schockgefroren war. Doch der unmenschliche Fotograf (ich) zog es mit einer unglaublichen Arroganz durch 🙂 🙂 Einen Dank geht an das Team. Richard Schnabler der unermüdlich positiv unterwegs war und der kurz vor einem Nervenzusammenbruch stand sowie Daniel Huber der den Blitz fixierte, obwohl er fast davonflog. Das Model Payton Niceta K. Primrose die mit einer (fast) Lungenentzündung den ganzen Tag brauchte um sich nach dem Shooting aufzuwärmen.Seither erntete ich verständlicherweise nur giftige Blicke ….. Fuerteventura 2017
Your photo ***Leading Light*** was selected for Editors’ in 500px the world greatest Photocommunity ..
Joachim Bergauer: Photos
Last Light in the Dolomites by...
Last Light in the Dolomites by Daniel F.
FACEBOOK Many techniques used on this image are demonstrated in my brand new set of videos. Just check out my website for more information.
____ Viele der hier angewandten Techniken werden sehr ausführlich in meinen aktuellen Video Tutorials demonstriert. Mehr Infos dazu findet Ihr auf meiner Website.
Daniel F.: Photos
Evolution by Timothy Poulton
Evolution by Timothy Poulton
Is social media killing off the portrait?
Back in the early 2000’s, everyone was posting stunning landscapes in portrait mode. Then all the photo sharing sites adopted the scaling gallery format, and over time, wide landscapes have become the norm, in fact, I hardly see anyone flip the camera 90 degrees. All you have to do is look at the majority of images uploaded to 500px to see that a stunning portrait is a postage stamp and completely lost compared to everything around it.
To find out further if this is the case I asked a bunch of printers and framers and all of them say the same thing, hardly anyone orders portrait style prints or frames.
Although it’s not a conscience decision when processing and I’ve always been a sucker for the super wide pano, I’ll rarely post verticals anymore.
Love your thoughts on this, have we seen the end of portraits, are we being rewired in the way we shoot.
Timothy Poulton: Photos
Pink by Jake Olson Studios
Pink by Jake Olson Studios
Jake Olson Studios: Photos
Adam and Eve’s story by ...
Adam and Eve’s story by Andre Villeneuve
L’histoire d’Adam et Ève…..
Andre Villeneuve: Photos