Paradise Alley by Dylan Toh &a...
Paradise Alley by Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim
Rocky Creek Canyon
NSW A great way to spend time with friends or loved ones or both
Just make sure you have the right gear to keep you warm through the freezing water!
Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim: Photos
Path by Mevludin Sejmenovic
Path by Mevludin Sejmenovic
Ilidza, Sarajevo, Bosnia
Mevludin Sejmenovic: Photos
Forest path by Adnan Bubalo
Forest path by Adnan Bubalo
Central Bosnia.
Adnan Bubalo
: Photos
Stars over Rialto by Carl Pan
Stars over Rialto by Carl Pan
Beautiful stars over Rialto Beach, Washington Olympic National Park.
Carl Pan: Photos
Winter Wonderland by Tobias Ry...
Winter Wonderland by Tobias Ryser
INSTAGRAM Please feel free to follow me on FB or Insta. Or maybe you wanna join a Adventure Workshop in Switzerland.
Tobias Ryser: Photos
Warm Glow in the Frozen Forest...
Warm Glow in the Frozen Forest by Daniel F.
Many techniques used on this image are demonstrated in my set of video tutorials. Just check out my website for more information. VIDEO TUTORIALS
______________ Viele der hier angewandten Techniken werden sehr ausführlich in meinen Video Tutorials demonstriert. Mehr Informationen dazu findet Ihr auf meiner Website.
Daniel F.: Photos
***Above the roofs*** by Joach...
***Above the roofs*** by Joachim Bergauer
Joachim Bergauer: Photos
☼ The born hunter ☼ by ☼ Eugen...
☼ The born hunter ☼ by ☼ Eugene Banin ☼
Everywhere – in the meadows, in the steppes and forests flies fly. And not only pollinators and scavengers, but also serious predators, capable of killing prey, much higher than their own size, even stinging Hymenoptera. We have these flies called ktyryami.
In representatives of the largest Russian species, the giant knot, the body length reaches five centimeters. A long body and buzzing hairs help the pins maintain balance when they fly with prey.
Spades rarely spend more than three to five minutes at a standstill. Most hunt on the fly. Simultaneously with the capture of the victim, the fly-predator flies its sharp proboscis in the most vulnerable place: at the junction of the head and thoracic segment or thoracic and abdominal segments, in the eyes or between sclerites at the end of the abdomen. Then, saliva containing neurotoxin and proteolytic enzymes are injected, which quickly immobilize the prey and dilute the tissues. Now the stem can quickly suck the contents. ☼ Прирожденный охотник ☼
Повсюду — на лугах, в степях и лесах летают мухи. Причем не только опылители и падальщики, но и серьезные хищники, способные убить добычу, заметно превышающую их собственные размеры, — даже жалящих перепончатокрылых. У нас этих мух называют ктырями.
У представителей самого большого российского вида, гигантского ктыря длина тела достигает пяти сантиметров. Длинное тело и жужжальца помогают ктырям поддерживать равновесие, когда они летят с добычей.
Ктыри редко проводят в неподвижном состоянии свыше трех-пяти минут. Большинство охотится на лету. Одновременно с захватом жертвы муха-хищник острым хоботком колет ее в самое уязвимое место: на стыке головы и грудного сегмента или грудного и брюшного сегментов, в глаза или между склеритами в конце брюшка. Затем вводится слюна, содержащая нейротоксин и протеолитические ферменты, которые быстро обездвиживают добычу и разжижают ткани. Теперь ктырь может быстро высосать содержимое.
☼ Eugene Banin ☼: Photos
Pont de Normandie by Christoph...
Pont de Normandie by Christophe Staelens
Thank you for watching,
kind regards,
Christophe Staelens: Photos
Val Gardena. Sunset. by Maxim ...
Val Gardena. Sunset. by Maxim K.
Maxim K.: Photos
Sveta (@prihojeva) by Георгий ...
Sveta (@prihojeva) by Георгий Чернядьев (Georgy Chernyadyev)
Paid retouching lessons. Live and video tutorials my retouching techniques and toning in Photoshop and Lightroom
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Георгий Чернядьев (Georgy Chernyadyev): Photos
trælanípan. leitisvatn. faroe ...
trælanípan. leitisvatn. faroe islands. The infamou … by Tanner Wendell Stewart
trælanípan. leitisvatn. faroe islands. The infamous lake above the ocean in the Faroes takes about an hour to hike to. We were hoping for beautiful sunrise light and arrived an hour early. A lake above the ocean with the snow capped mountains, insane cliffs and crashing waves is one of the craziest sights I’ve ever witnessed… As the sun rose, we literally got a 5 minute window to photograph the light on the cliffs before the storms swept in. On the hike back we faced an hour of sideways rain. @visitfaroeislands #faroeislands
Tanner Wendell Stewart: Photos