Oh Miah² by Nicola Pirondini
Oh Miah² by Nicola Pirondini
Hi guys, I tried a new version of this unforgettable scene, using a vertical crop to have a more tight composition.
I think it looks good, but not as the original horizontal one. Let me know what you think!
Nicola Pirondini: Photos
The hike by John Wilhelm is a ...
The hike by John Wilhelm is a photoholic
If you like my photos, like me on facebook: [click]
John Wilhelm is a photoholic: Photos
Rulers o/t Land by Herman van ...
Rulers o/t Land by Herman van den Berge
The buildings of the Dutch Parliament in The Hague Best viewed on black (click image or press “M”)
Herman van den Berge: Photos
17-52:snow eye by momo-123 ( Y...
17-52:snow eye by momo-123 ( You.Tomi. )
momo-123 ( You.Tomi. ): Photos
Tunnel of Love by Martin Podt
Tunnel of Love by Martin Podt
Click here if you are interested to learn my workflow. Facebook | Instagram | Fine Art America | martinpodt.com
Martin Podt: Photos
She’s my phobia… b...
She’s my phobia… by Sergey Piltnik (Пилтник)
A unique processing method developed by me to quick retouching. For the retouching of this photo takes about 10 minutes. It’s very simple. On education, write in instagram @spiltnik
Уникальный метод обработки, разработанный мной для быстрой ретуши. Для ретуширования этой фотографии требуется около 10 минут. Это очень просто. Об обучении пишите.
Мне можно писать // You can write to me:
Instagram @spiltnik
Sergey Piltnik (Пилтник): Photos
Windmills of The Netherlands b...
Windmills of The Netherlands by Remo Scarfò
A classic representation of the archetypical Dutch landscape, Kinderdijk is an excellent 0.5 – 1 day outing from Amsterdam
***** Sunday Flashsale ! Get all my 8 Lightroom Preset Bundles from my webshop, with a total from over the 357 presets, worth €320,- NOW only for €47,- all the 8 Bundles
For mor info remoscarfo@icloud.com
Remo Scarfò: Photos
first ascent. frozen skogafoss...
first ascent. frozen skogafoss. iceland. Watching … by Tanner Wendell Stewart
first ascent. frozen skogafoss. iceland. Watching these ice climbers climb on a frozen waterfall was a truly amazing. I talked to them about the climb and they informed me it was a first ascent! I was stoked to be in the right spot at the right time.
Tanner Wendell Stewart: Photos
Reflection by Lara Koo
Reflection by Lara Koo
Lara Koo: Photos
The witch girl by Roman Alyabe...
The witch girl by Roman Alyabev // Роман Алябьев
Roman Alyabev // Роман Алябьев: Photos
Forest mood by Adnan Bubalo
Forest mood by Adnan Bubalo
Central Bosnia
Adnan Bubalo
: Photos