White angels of Camargue by Da...
White angels of Camargue by Daniel Kordan
White angels of Camargue photo workshop, 4 – 8 July 2018 danielkordan.com/portfolio-item/camargue_2018/
Daniel Kordan: Photos
Blush by Dylan Toh & Maria...
Blush by Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim
That wanaka tree in calm brilliant conditions on one of the best dawns I’ve seen there! Our first Start to Finish video! Remember to use the code EP2018 until January 18 for the video 
Dylan Toh & Marianne Lim: Photos
Night & Day by Daniel F.
Night & Day by Daniel F.
Many techniques used on this image are demonstrated in my set of video tutorials. Just check out my website for more information. New Years Sale! Save 50% on all my video tutorials! VIDEO TUTORIALS
______________ Viele der hier angewandten Techniken werden sehr ausführlich in meinen Video Tutorials demonstriert. Mehr Informationen dazu findet Ihr auf meiner Website.
Daniel F.: Photos
POSTCARD FROM SENJA by Nicholas Roemmelt
Order my NEW BOOK
FACEBOOK + HOMEPAGE + INSTAGRAM et voila … the classic Senja “postcard” subject … (usually I don’t do a lot of “classics” but this was simply too damn beautiful to pass by )
I´d say that if I have had the option for a wish where I wanted the Aurora to be, I would have chosen exactly this position 
Nicholas Roemmelt: Photos
Fallen see by Andrew Bazanov
Fallen see by Andrew Bazanov
Andrew Bazanov: Photos
Down by the River by Alexander...
Down by the River by Alexander Riek
A wider view of a recently posted image of the picturesque town of Monschau, Germany. Feel free to follow me on FACEBOOK or to visit my WEBSITE
Alexander Riek: Photos
☼ Housefly portrait ☼ by ☼ Eug...
☼ Housefly portrait ☼ by ☼ Eugene Banin ☼
Flies belong to the most numerous species of insects on the planet. The most common domestic fly, which has long lost the ability to exist without people. In a warm time, she is always near the person: on the street, in the house, in the apartment and even in transport.
The room fly belongs to the family of real flies and is a synanthropic organism, which practically does not occur in the wild. The adult insect has a body length of about 5-9 mm. Taurus fly covered with sparse hairs. Against the background of the gray color of the trunk, you can distinguish several longitudinal strips on the chest, the abdomen has a yellowish tinge. Females are slightly larger than males. Also, women have a slightly larger distance between the eyes. As in females, and in males, the organs of vision are faceted, quite large in size. Like all Diptera, fly flies use only the front pair of wings.
Favorite delicacies of these pests are all kinds of sweets and preserves, compotes and juices, syrups and lemonades, sweet tea, honey and any jam. ☼ Домашний мух ☼
Мухи относятся к самому многочисленному виду насекомых на планете. Наиболее распространена муха домашняя, которая давно потеряла способность существовать без людей. В тёплое время она всегда находится рядом с человеком: на улице, в доме, в квартире и даже в транспорте.
Муха комнатная принадлежит к семейству настоящих мух и является синантропным организмом, который практически не встречается в дикой природе. Взрослое насекомое имеет длину тела около 5-9 мм. Тельце мухи покрыто редкими волосками. На фоне серой окраски туловища можно различить несколько продольных полос на груди, брюшко имеет желтоватый оттенок. Самки немного крупнее самцов. Также женские особи отличаются несколько бóльшим расстоянием между глазами. Как у самок, так и у самцов органы зрения фасеточные, довольно большого размера. Подобно всем двукрылым, при полёте мухи используют только переднюю пару крыльев. Любимыми лакомствами этих вредителей являются всевозможные сладости и консервации, компоты и соки, сиропы и лимонады, сладкий чай, мёд и любые варенья.
☼ Eugene Banin ☼: Photos
Resonant mind by Lafugue Logos
Resonant mind by Lafugue Logos
Copyright © Lafugue Logos All Rights Reserved.
Lafugue Logos: Photos
Gold by Dino Marsango
Gold by Dino Marsango
Dino Marsango: Photos
Funny Fox by Roeselien Raimond
Funny Fox by Roeselien Raimond
Instagram | Roeselienraimond.com | Facebook
…or rather scaredy fox..;)
Roeselien Raimond: Photos
Almost there by Sandi Bertonce...
Almost there by Sandi Bertoncelj
Sandi Bertoncelj: Photos
Magical Towers by Victor Lima
Magical Towers by Victor Lima
Magical Towers
Victor Lima: Photos