The Beauty And The Beast by Ma...
The Beauty And The Beast by Marsel van Oosten
For a plethora of reasons I don’t particularly enjoy photographing small subjects. Most birds are small, so I tend to not shoot them much. This has not gone unnoticed. There’s a running gag amongst the guests on our photo tours: Marsel doesn’t photograph anything that weighs less than a kilogram. I understand why people may get that impression, but there are moments when I do photograph small subjects like a tiny bird. When it’s part of a 750kg buffalo for instance. This is the last one of my three images that were awarded at the international bird photography competition ‘Festival de l’oiseau et de la nature’ in France. This one features an oxpecker perched on the horn of a cape buffalo, photographed in Botswana with a 600mm lens. Oxpeckers are after the ticks on their hosts, so originally they were thought to be an example of mutualism. However, recent evidence suggests that oxpeckers are actually parasites. Marsel | WEBSITE | FACEBOOK |
Marsel van Oosten: Photos
The White Horses of Camargue b...
The White Horses of Camargue by Iurie Belegurschi
The white horses of Camargue are so full of spirit. Watching them running free sets my soul on fire
Would you like to join me on a wild photography tour of these beautiful beasts? More info at
Iurie Belegurschi: Photos
Winnats Pass by Daniel Casson
Winnats Pass by Daniel Casson
Daniel Casson: Photos
Horizon by TJ Drysdale
Horizon by TJ Drysdale
This was shot in Bandon, Oregon in September while the forest fires were still raging. The smoke in the atmosphere created some very unique/beautiful sunsets. Enjoy HUGE SAVINGS on my online store! Photoshop Tutorials, Lightroom Presets and Photoshop Actions!! BRAND NEW PRINT SHOP! Enter code: tjdprints at checkout to save 30% on your order! Website | Facebook | Instagram
TJ Drysdale: Photos
Mapping out the heist by Adria...
Mapping out the heist by Adrian C. Murray
Adrian C. Murray: Photos
Lidia by EIKONAS Painting With...
Lidia by EIKONAS Painting With Light
Go for this pic soon in @instagram as well. You’ll find me there as @eikonas – produced during EIKONAS Masterclass with phantastic Maxim Guselnikov in September – many thanks to my awesome Masterclass model Lidia from Moscow. All Available Light. If you want dive deeper into my photography and get informed about coachings, masterclasses, lessions, workshops and EIKONAS products, please visit and subscribe to my newsletter at
EIKONAS Painting With Light: Photos
Madeira Lookouts by Tobias Häg...
Madeira Lookouts by Tobias Hägg
Tobias Hägg: Photos
Autumn’s Bloom by Patrick Mars...
Autumn’s Bloom by Patrick Marson Ong Lago di Landro in Italian or Dürrensee in German, this lake is located in Dolomites, South Tyrol, Italy. I did a week-long vacation going around dolomites last autumn with my family. Lake Landro was not even on my to-stop list, just saw it while we were on our way to Pragser Wildsee. Upon seeing the lake’s reflection of Monte Cristallo from my rental’s side mirror, I knew I had to stop and check it out. My sister and I went back to this area the following morning for sunrise. It was drizzling when we left the apartment. Got there, already set up and the sky didn’t look good. When I was about to look for other comps to compensate for the weather, boom! This awesome light just lasted for 20 minutes, then it was kaput. Have an awesome week guys! NiSi Filters V5 Pro CPL and NiSi .9 GND Soft Edge
Patrick Marson Ong: Photos
Curtain Rises by Nicola Pirond...
Curtain Rises by Nicola Pirondini
A dramatic spotlight on the famous Cinque Torri, one of the most famous places in the dolomites.
Nicola Pirondini: Photos
Winter Dream by Kilian Schönbe...
Winter Dream by Kilian Schönberger
@kilianschoenberger I N S T A G R A M
Kilian Schönberger: Photos
***Enough*** by Joachim Bergau...
***Enough*** by Joachim Bergauer
Joachim Bergauer: Photos
Carla!! by DAVID MAS
Carla!! by DAVID MAS
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