***More*** by Joachim Bergauer
***More*** by Joachim Bergauer
with Kit Rysha
Joachim Bergauer: Photos
A Sunrise from Above by Daniel...
A Sunrise from Above by Daniel Fleischhacker
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www.instagram.com/daniel_fleischhacker Many techniques used on this image are demonstrated in my set of video tutorials. Just check out my website for more information. VIDEO TUTORIALS
______________ Viele der hier angewandten Techniken werden sehr ausführlich in meinen Video Tutorials demonstriert. Mehr Informationen dazu findet Ihr auf meiner Website.
Daniel Fleischhacker: Photos
The Library by Alessandro Di C...
The Library by Alessandro Di Cicco
Alessandro Di Cicco: Photos
Cape St Vincent by Dmytro Koro...
Cape St Vincent by Dmytro Korol
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Join me on My Facebook Page The lighthouse of Cabo de São Vicente was about 6 km from our base in Sagres. Driving to the lighthouse, I have noticed the changes in the weather. A storm was coming. On the cape the wind was such strong, so I hardly could stay in place. The waves was big and powerful. While I was gazing at the waves, the light had changed, the sun hid behind a cloud, and the very strong sunbeams pierced the sky. Absolutely ethereal moment! About the place
(wikipedia) Cape St. Vincent is the southwesternmost point in Portugal. It forms the southwestern end of the E9 European Coastal Path, which runs for 5,000 km (3,100 mi) to Narva-Jõesuu in Estonia. Approximately six kilometers from the village of Sagres, the cape is a landmark for a ship traveling to or from the Mediterranean. The cliffs rise nearly vertically from the Atlantic to a height of 75 meters. The cape is a site of exuberant marine life and a high concentration of birds nesting on the cliffs, such as the rare Bonelli’s eagle, peregrine falcons, kites, rock thrushes, rock pigeons, storks and herons. The present lighthouse is 24 metres (79 ft) high and was built over the ruins of a 16th-century Franciscan convent in 1846. This lighthouse, guarding one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes, is among the most powerful in Europe (the most powerful being Phare du Creach on the French island of Ushant, off the coast of Brittany); its two 1,000 W lamps can be seen as far as 60 kilometres (37 mi) away.
Dmytro Korol: Photos
Sunset. by Florian Pascual
Sunset. by Florian Pascual
Remembering the good old days
Florian Pascual: Photos
Zemfira by Ivan Proskurin
Zemfira by Ivan Proskurin
Sale for my Video tutorials and presets: www.ivanproskurin.com/shop My new photo with Tamron SP AF 85mm f/1.8 Di VC USD My Email: proskurin.photo@gmail.com
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Ivan Proskurin: Photos
Hot chocolate weather in Switz...
Hot chocolate weather in Switzerland. by Johannes Hulsch
Johannes Hulsch: Photos
The Village by wim denijs
The Village by wim denijs
Fishersmanshouses , Norway
wim denijs: Photos
Harmonious by Lorenzo Nadalini
Harmonious by Lorenzo Nadalini
The hearth of the Dolomites…
Lorenzo Nadalini: Photos
Riverside by Ole Henrik Skjels...
Riverside by Ole Henrik Skjelstad
Ringerike, Norway. Nisi S5 with cpl and Nisi Medium to balance the light.
Ole Henrik Skjelstad: Photos
Gabriel by Lisa Holloway
Gabriel by Lisa Holloway
Lisa Holloway: Photos