Anatomy of Melancholy by Danie...
Anatomy of Melancholy by Daniel Vorkauf
Since the dawn of existence, you mortals have feared dying, feared the unknown and the pain of it, and yet, pain is a part of life, not death. And I—I am the first moment after pain ceases,” he [Death] pronounced. “It is life that fights and struggles and rages; life, that tears at you in its last agonizing throes to hold on, even if but for one futile instant longer… Whereas I, I come softly when it is all done. Pain and death are an ordered sequence, not a parallel pair. So easy to confuse the correlations, not realizing that one does not bring the other. (Vera Nazarian)
Daniel Vorkauf: Photos
Fasan by Georg Scharf
Fasan by Georg Scharf
Georg Scharf: Photos
The fire of your soul by Serge...
The fire of your soul by Sergey Piltnik (Пилтник)
A unique processing method developed by me to quick retouching. For the retouching of this photo takes about 10 minutes. It’s very simple. On education, write in instagram @spiltnik
Уникальный метод обработки, разработанный мной для быстрой ретуши. Для ретуширования этой фотографии требуется около 10 минут. Это очень просто. Об обучении пишите.
Мне можно писать // You can write to me:
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Sergey Piltnik (Пилтник): Photos
Her first day at School by Joh...
Her first day at School by John Wilhelm is a photoholic
Actually Yuna (on the image) had her first day at Kindergarten today… but Mila had her first day at school and Lou had her first day at 4th grade (we call that the “Mittelstufe” and it’s also special)… so it was a pretty emotional day today…
John Wilhelm is a photoholic: Photos
My love… by Sergey Piltn...
My love… by Sergey Piltnik (Пилтник)
A unique processing method developed by me to quick retouching. For the retouching of this photo takes about 10 minutes. It’s very simple. On education, write in instagram @spiltnik
Уникальный метод обработки, разработанный мной для быстрой ретуши. Для ретуширования этой фотографии требуется около 10 минут. Это очень просто. Об обучении пишите.
Мне можно писать // You can write to me:
Instagram @spiltnik
Sergey Piltnik (Пилтник): Photos
Peeking over the hill by Peter...
Peeking over the hill by Peter Zajfrid
Sunset in Partinje, Slovenia
Peter Zajfrid: Photos
Swiss Glacier. by Maxim K.
Swiss Glacier. by Maxim K.
Maxim K.: Photos
***Iconic*** by Joachim Bergau...
***Iconic*** by Joachim Bergauer
Joachim Bergauer: Photos
Padar Island by Carsten Meyerd...
Padar Island by Carsten Meyerdierks
Carsten Meyerdierks: Photos
Thirsty Elephants by Irca &...
Thirsty Elephants by Irca & Jacky K.
We hided in an old holed termite hill. More and more elephants approached. Finally surrounded by about 180 elephants, very close, we became a bit nervous. Started to smoke a cigarette. Not a good idea. They smelled us even better and became nervous as well…..
Irca & Jacky K.: Photos
Merzouga Sahara Desert,Morocco...
Merzouga Sahara Desert,Morocco by Saravut Whanset
Camel caravan going through the sand dunes in the Sahara desert, Marocco. Camel in desert concept.
Saravut Whanset: Photos
Walk on Water by Jessica Dross...
Walk on Water by Jessica Drossin
For editing tools, please visit my store here and consider joining my Facebook Group
Jessica Drossin: Photos