To Stop is to die by Luis Vala...
To Stop is to die by Luis Valadares
My Facebook Page Self Portrait _
Luis Valadares: Photos
Morning sun in the flower gard...
Morning sun in the flower garden. by JAMES-CORY™
Red Spider Lily.
수선화과 상사화속의 다년초. 석산, 붉은상사화 등으로도 불린다. 비늘줄기의 한약명이 석산(石蒜)이다. 영어로는 Red Spider Lily라고 한다. 크론퀴스트체계로는 백합과. 리코리스, 만주사화(曼珠沙華)라고도 불린다.
학명인 종소명 radiata는 방사형이라는 의미이다. 여담이지만 속명인 상사화(相思花)는 서로 생각한다, 그리워한다는 뜻으로 꽃과 잎이 같이 피지 않고 꽃이 먼저 피고 진 후에 잎이 돋아난다는데서 유래했다고 한다.
JAMES-CORY™ : Photos
laura 1 by DAVID MAS
laura 1 by DAVID MAS
Thanks for your votes and comments!!!
That portrait is been taken in Notting Hill, London, while a fashion shooting with just natural light, with no modifiers at all.
Hope you like it!!!
If you want to follow me on Face
DAVID MAS : Photos
Tranquility by Tobias Kuhl
Tranquility by Tobias Kuhl
The colors are out of cam. No photoshop editing except for resizing and adding my watermark.
Tobias Kuhl: Photos
Warming up by Rob Dickinson
Warming up by Rob Dickinson
After getting to the Wanaka tree very very early on an extremely frosty cold morning , shooting the lake with stars in the sky and a glorious colorful morning the sun finally broke above the hills and we felt the first warming rays of light . I’d been standing in the cold lake for hours so this was quite welcome!
Rob Dickinson: Photos
*** by Crapaud
*** by Crapaud
Crapaud : Photos
iridescent by Katie Andelman G...
iridescent by Katie Andelman Garner
Thank you so much for following my work! For information on webinars and workshops, please contact me on my Facebook Page or visit my Website
Katie Andelman Garner: Photos
Forget-me-not by SEUNG-KI KIM
Forget-me-not by SEUNG-KI KIM
Yılkı Atları / Horses by Hüsey...
Yılkı Atları / Horses by Hüseyin Taşkın
Yılkı Atları (Kayseri)
Hüseyin Taşkın: Photos
A heavy rainy night by LEE INH...
A heavy rainy night by LEE INHWAN
Water lily
Pillars of the Sky ♖ by Ӻotoαg...
Pillars of the Sky ♖ by Ӻotoαguαdo⓭
Happy Sunday 🙂
Ӻotoαguαdo⓭ : Photos