Verso il sole by Giorgio Raspa
Verso il sole by Giorgio Raspa
Giorgio Raspa: Photos
Geldingadalsgos Volcano Site H...
Geldingadalsgos Volcano Site Hike by Yiannis Pavlis
Despite this being an otherworldly experience, it begins, like many adventures, in a car park. Ever since the Gerlingadalur eruption began on March 19, 2021, Icelanders—and now vaccinated international visitors such as myself —have made pilgrimages to see the lava spew, bubble, and flow across this stretch of the Reykjanes Peninsula in southwestern-most Iceland. What’s astonishing is that this once-in-800-years display of nature’s force is only a 45-minute drive south of Reykjavík. It’s even closer to Keflavík Airport, the largest airport in the country—a mere 20 minutes by car. Imagine that: an active volcano one would deem “accessible.” You could land in Iceland in the morning from the United States (there are flights from Boston, JFK-NYC, and Washington, D.C., as of May), await your negative COVID test results at a nearby hotel, and once cleared, see the volcano erupt in the same day.
Yiannis Pavlis: Photos
💛🌾 Anita 🌾💛 by JERRY...
💛🌾 Anita 🌾💛 by JERRY
Dedicate to Anita@anita1727
JERRY : Photos
French Alps by John S
French Alps by John S
John S: Photos
Shower by Matteo Sciarra
Shower by Matteo Sciarra
Uncensored version on my iInstagram
Well, mates, I’ve just opened a super new profile on Instagram, entirely dedicated to my landscapes photography! Obviously, there are very few works for the moment, but I’ll put on it new work constantly! My other relevant links (portraits) (Cosplay photography and soon Fantasy/Photoshop)
Matteo Sciarra: Photos
Listening to the sea by Arrows...
Listening to the sea by Arrowsun孫弋
夕阳下,听海的声音。摄于茂名童子湾。 #清新夏日# #光影的魅力# #路在脚下# #天边的云彩# #每一处都有生命# #直到世界的尽头# #我的摄影故事# #跟自己对话#
Arrowsun孫弋 : Photos
厦门月全食-厦门国际中心 by 王光音SHion...
厦门月全食-厦门国际中心 by 王光音SHion
王光音SHion : Photos
Paradise by Matteo Sciarra
Paradise by Matteo Sciarra
Uncensored version on my iInstagram
Well, mates, I’ve just opened a super new profile on Instagram, entirely dedicated to my landscapes photography! Obviously, there are very few works for the moment, but I’ll put on it new work constantly! My other relevant links (portraits) (Cosplay photography and soon Fantasy/Photoshop)
Matteo Sciarra: Photos
红石峡雨境|焦作云台山 by 大沇河...
红石峡雨境|焦作云台山 by 大沇河
@Bapupa @Windsky @C.C @早☀ @杨震 @萍影 #自然# #大自然的美# #清新夏日# #光影的魅力# #河南焦作云台山# 初夏的云台山郁郁葱葱,雨中的红石峡,梦幻迷离。红色的岩壁被雨水打湿,深浅有致,格外耀眼。青山远黛,更显诗情画意。雨珠、绿叶、青山、碧水,一派空山新雨的景象。焦作云台山有山的壮美,有雨的缠绵,有云的翻腾,有人的欢声笑语。
大沇河 : Photos
***Ortaet*** by Joachim Bergau...
***Ortaet*** by Joachim Bergauer
Joachim Bergauer: Photos
Overlook by Jessica Drossin
Overlook by Jessica Drossin
Jessica Drossin: Photos
Alice by Sean Archer
Alice by Sean Archer
Tutorials, Backstage videos, NSFW content and tons of unpublished stuff:
Sean Archer: Photos