Beyond the fog lies clarity by...

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Beyond the fog lies clarity by Victor Hugo

© Victor Hugo Promote your work or get inspired, join the World’s Photographer community at
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Victor Hugo: Photos

Beyond the fog lies clarity by Victor Hugo © Victor Hugo Promote your work or get inspired, join the World’s Photographer community at Befriend me at: Like...

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Swept Away by Erin Babnik

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Swept Away by Erin Babnik

I recently returned from teaching three workshops in a row with co-leader Ted Gore in the Eastern Sierra. Including the time we spent scouting before workshops and a little stint of personal shooting near the end, I was on the road for a total of nearly five weeks and spent 25 of those nights sleeping in a tent. We often had the option to sleep in hotels instead of camping, but Ted and I camped at every opportunity. It is less expensive to camp, of course, but I also find that immersing myself in nature has the added benefit of keeping me in the right frame of mind for being creative when the time comes. For the same reason, I am extremely enthusiastic about shooting in intense conditions such as strong winds. Whenever I can experience the raw power of nature exerting its influence, I invariably feel very ‘present’ in the moment and enjoy a special mental clarity. It is as though the intensity of the experience leaves no room in my psyche for distracting thoughts—anything that might be weighing on my mind gets swept away, and I’m left with sensory stimulation and visceral reactions to guide me. It is an awesome, exhilarating feeling to interact with the kinds of gusts that can launch plumes of sand many feet into the air or can push snow flurries as far as the eye can see. I love leaning into the wind without falling over or attempting to walk as the wind tries to alter each step of my course. It is a playful experience, one that taps into that space in the mind where creativity begins. As I wrote in a recent article for Photo Cascadia, one of the most important lessons that I’ve ever learned is the necessity of remembering to have fun while making photographs because creativity is ultimately a playful process. When nature is literally wrapping itself around me, I don’t have to remember to have fun; it simply is really, really fun! Join us for some fun in 2017! Ted Gore and I have now scheduled our 2017 workshops in the Eastern Sierra and also in the Dolomites of northern Italy. Details are available on my website: CLICK HERE FOR INFO ————
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Erin Babnik: Photos

Swept Away by Erin Babnik I recently returned from teaching three workshops in a row with co-leader Ted Gore in the Eastern Sierra. Including the time we spent scouting before workshops and a little stint of personal...

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Euro 2016 by Saravut Whanset

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Euro 2016 by Saravut Whanset

Childen playing football in river

Saravut Whanset: Photos

Euro 2016 by Saravut Whanset Childen playing football in river Saravut Whanset: Photos

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The wave by panagiotis laoudik...

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The wave by panagiotis laoudikos

Sunrise in Rhodes

panagiotis laoudikos: Photos

The wave by panagiotis laoudikos Sunrise in Rhodes panagiotis laoudikos: Photos

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Homeward Bound by Jake Olson S...

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Homeward Bound by Jake Olson Studios

Spring Sale Discount! $19.99 Photoshop Secrets Sale for my 500px followers only USE DISCOUNT CODE “DISCOUNT20”!…Get my Complete video tutorial collection covering my entire post processing workflow in PS and Lightroom for only $19.99! (Over SEVEN Hours PLUS 40 SKIES) Purchase Here and use discount code DISCOUNT20 (ALL CAPS AND HIT APPLY!) ! -> JAKE OLSON STUDIOS TUTORIAL

Jake Olson Studios: Photos

Homeward Bound by Jake Olson Studios Spring Sale Discount! $19.99 Photoshop Secrets Sale for my 500px followers only USE DISCOUNT CODE “DISCOUNT20”!…Get my Complete video tutorial collection covering...

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Spring Time by Lauri Lohi

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Spring Time by Lauri Lohi

As much as i love nature and landscape photography, i’ve always loved to shoot flowers and macros. Now it is finally spring in Finland and the nature is slowly waking up, so very soon it is time for flowers. This image of hepaticas is taken last spring.

Lauri Lohi: Photos

Spring Time by Lauri Lohi As much as i love nature and landscape photography, i’ve always loved to shoot flowers and macros. Now it is finally spring in Finland and the nature is slowly waking up, so very soon...

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Center of Attention by Ole Hen...

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Center of Attention by Ole Henrik Skjelstad

When nature is smiling…..

Ole Henrik Skjelstad: Photos

Center of Attention by Ole Henrik Skjelstad When nature is smiling….. Ole Henrik Skjelstad: Photos

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Prayer in the night by Jaewoon...

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Prayer in the night by Jaewoon U

기도 하는 밤…
Night view

Jaewoon U: Photos

Prayer in the night by Jaewoon U 기도 하는 밤… Night view Jaewoon U: Photos

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Cream Beam by Stian N

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Cream Beam by Stian N

Seen here is a fjord landscape typical for Norway’s west. For a couple of weeks per year, the sun sets so that it shines a fast changing beam of light through this entire fjord. This was one of those nights. Thanks for looking, any feedback welcome.

Stian N: Photos

Cream Beam by Stian N Seen here is a fjord landscape typical for Norway’s west. For a couple of weeks per year, the sun sets so that it shines a fast changing beam of light through this entire fjord. This was one...

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Golden Sunrise by Gonzalo Nava...

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Golden Sunrise by Gonzalo Navarro Bendito

Gonzalo Navarro Bendito: Photos

Golden Sunrise by Gonzalo Navarro Bendito Gonzalo Navarro Bendito: Photos

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Precession by Timothy Poulton

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Precession by Timothy Poulton

Have you ever dropped a stone in the water and noticed the circular waves that are created? This is a natural phenomenon called “Precession.” What I have witnessed all around the world is a complete lack of regard for other people by the hiking community. In Patagonia when we pass other hikers on the trail we shout “Hola” and other friendly greetings but thats about as far as it goes. At sunrise photographers and hikers make the pilgrimage up to the Towers of Torres del Paine to bring in the day and what should be a beautiful moment is ruined by the imbeciles that scramble up the steep and dangerous wall sending car size boulders down onto the people around the lake. Inspired by so called professional photographers and the comp stompers that follow them. Each of us exists within this tapestry. Thoughts and actions are like stones dropped in a pond and they create ripples that travel outward. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives and their reactions in turn affect others. The choices you make have far-reaching consequences. Each of us carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. To anyone out on the trails, use a little common sense and obey the signs. Whats the price of that epic landscape or selfie. Image from Lake Pehoe captured without risking others.

Timothy Poulton: Photos

Precession by Timothy Poulton Have you ever dropped a stone in the water and noticed the circular waves that are created? This is a natural phenomenon called “Precession.” What I have witnessed all around the world...

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Kate by Dmitry Belyaev

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Kate by Dmitry Belyaev my instagram my Facebook page my VK page Dmitry Belyaev: Photos

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