As music streaming booms, Tune...
Enter into the picture TuneCore, which lets musicians bypass labels and distribute directly on streaming sites such as Spotify as well as iTunes and other retailers. TuneCore, launched in 2005 in New York, is seeing fast international growth as streaming — which allows unlimited, on-demand listening — becomes mainstream. TuneCore had launched earlier in Australia, Britain, Canada and Japan.
Pussy Riot Releases Anti-Trump...
The five-minute-long expletive-ridden clip includes scenes of partial nudity and simulated torture, rape and beatings.
Mall to Allow Christian Holida...
“The View” co-hosts talk about the mall’s decision to reverse policy.
American Music Awards: James B...
The Chainsmokers and Halsey, along with Carlos Vives and Shakira, also will take the stage Nov. 20.
Viola Davis Sells Racially The...
‘The Zipcoders’ is based on an original idea about a group of black teens growing up in Texas and their quest to form a band like The Beatles.
Dance Music Doc ‘What We...
Dance music as seen through the eyes of Carl Cox and Martin Garrix: “The anecdotes are endless.”
Kris Jenner Once Filmed a Musi...
The Cheesecake Factory is a chain that’s hard to hate. Drake even set one of his recent music videos there. Broadly just published an in-depth interview with the chain’s founder and CEO David Overton and vice president Linda Candioty, and there are some intriguing insights into the chain’s history and operations — such as the fact that those aforementioned pillars were inspired by bathhouses.
Barbecue and Music Venue Globe...
Located in a historic bar in Globeville, Globe Hall just about to turn one and, to celebrate, it has added a new member to the family: Lil’ Betty, the new food truck pictured above. Lil’ Betty is named in honor of the Texas style barbecue smoker. Globe Hall is also launching lunch service on Fridays and will host an anniversary celebration in November.
Shania Twain to be honored at ...
Shania Twain will be honored with the Icon award at Billboard's 11th annual Women in Music awards in December. "Shania Twain is a groundbreaking artist whose successful country-pop crossover blazed the trail for a new generation of country stars like Taylor Swift, Billboard's 2014 Woman of the Year, and Carrie Underwood," said Janice Min, president and chief creative officer of The Hollywood Reporter-Billboard Media Group in a statement. "She's fearless in her career, following her own path and pushing the boundaries of the country music genre as she creates music that has proven to be timeless.
Lady Gaga, Jimmy Eat World, Le...
Get the reviews of the latest from Jimmy Eat World, Leonard Cohen and more.