Natalie Portman Embarrassed by...
Natalie Portman joined James Corden on The Late Late Show Wednesday, and the host brought up a long-lost memory for the longtime performer: the World Patrol.
Music Reviews: Neil Young, J.C...
Plus, get all the details of the latest from J. Cole and Maria Taylor.
Stream the Rogue One soundtrac...
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story isn’t just the first stand-alone Star Wars anthology movie, but it also marks the first film in the franchise that won’t include John Williams’ iconic arrangement. Disney has previously stated that the soundtrack would be available to pre-order on Amazon and stream Dec. 16, but the company also confirmed to Polygon today that other streaming services — including Apple Music and Spotify — would have it as well. “The only pre-order is on Amazon with both physical [and] streaming [options] available on street date this Friday,” a Disney representative told Polygon.
Classical music albums that wi...
With the recent news (reported by Billboard) that Mozart's "New Complete Edition" has beaten the music industry's (living) heavy-hitters to take the title of Most Sold CD in 2016, here are some suggestions of other 2016 releases bound to please classical fans. It was his wish that the broadcast recording of his last project, Beethoven's "Missa solemnis" should be released after his retirement as a personal legacy. The subsequent sublime recording is a combination of material collected from the Graz concerts and rehearsals performed by the Concentus Musicus Wien ensemble and the Arnold Schoenberg Choir.
This joyous Destiny music vide...
Put those two together and you get this incredible Christmas music video. You may remember them from the Backstreet Boys music video they did last year, after Bungie released the Monster Dance emote with 2015’s Festival of the Lost update. In fact, the music video contains three Christmas favorites — “Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays” by the aforementioned boy band, “Run Rudolph Run” by Chuck Berry and “All I Want for Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey.
Macedonia queen of gypsy music...
Cue the music, cue the drama! ...
Experts Interrogate Youtube...
Earlier this week Youtube belaboredly patted themselves on the back for reportedly paying out over a billion dollars to the music industry. In a statement, the IFPI, or the International Federation Of The Phonographic Industry, a global record industry trade group, called the figure into question. “Google has today issued more unexplained numbers on what it claims YouTube pays the music industry.
Apple Music’s Latest Sub...
Apple Music is succeeding where others streaming competitors are not. As the music service hit the 18-month mark, it announced that it had reached 20 million subscribers. It would be easy to play this off as a symptom of Apple’s established presence in our pockets, both via the iPhone and the iTunes store.